9 Foods That Help In Preventing Constipation
With rising change in our lifestyle and even food patterns, our stomachs are getting sensitive and more susceptible to frequent disorders. Eating spicy and fried food, unhygienic roadside foods and drinking less water has made our digestive system weaker than ever. It is common to have problems of constipation, which was earlier perceived to occur to people over 50 years.
Constipation is one of the ways your body indicates lack of sufficient water and deficiency of fibre rich food. Trying to eat more natural foods is the best way to keep your stomach healthy. It is easy to go for medications but after that, do you even think of the possible ways to prevent suffering from constipation again? Even kids nowadays, are suffering from constipation just because of the unhealthy and irregular food pattern. It is very important to keep your digestive system healthy or you will face such irregularities in your bowel movements quite frequently.
First of all, while eating, you must know that the food won’t become a burden on your stomach. Your food must be a great combination of nutrients rather than spices, oils and too much of refined flour foodstuffs. Choose foods that aid in proper digestion process along with regularising your bowel movements and read on to know about these 9 foods that help in preventing constipation:
All green vegetables are great for keeping your digestion system happy. Broccoli in particular should one of those vegetables that you consume on regular basis. Slightly boiled broccoli mixed in salads can be highly nutritious as they provide vitamin C, potassium, calcium, protein and fibre that helps in keeping your digestion seamless.
Popularly known as Munnakka in Hindi, prunes are extremely beneficial in geting rid of constipation. They are considered as natural laxatives and is widely prescribed even by doctors especially for children. Prunes are dried plum and has large quantities of fibre in comparison. While plums have lots of vitamins and minerals, they might not actually regularise your bowel movements. Have three to four prunes everyday. Many people soak prunes at night and have it in the morning as it provides faster results.
Whole Grains
Many medical studies have proved that having whole grains in your meals is an excellent way to ensure empty bowels every morning. You won’t face constipation issues if you have a diet rich in fibre and adequate amount of carbohydrates. Have wheat, jowar, bajra, oats, etc in your diet or you can have mix flour rotis or multi-grain breads. When it comes to rice and bread, prefer brown rice and brown bread, respectively.
Apricots are loaded with fibre and can be consumed fresh or dried. However, medical researchers have revealed that one cup of fresh apricots contain 3.1 gm of fibre, while one cup of dried apricots provide 9.5 gm of fibre. Since the dried ones have comparatively larger amount of fibre that helps in kicking off the waste from your body, consume them in small quantities daily to ensure smooth and regular bowel movements.
The reason why more and more people are opting oatmeal in their breakfast is the fact that it is a power food. It has the right amount of carbohydrates and has oodles of soluble fibre content that helps in keeping your heart healthy while reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. They have low glycemic index which is a good news for people with diabetes. With all these benefits, oatmeal provides an additional benefit by ensuring timely elimination of waste from the body. Make sure to have one bowl of this super food each day to give your body the required dosage of fibre.
Read: 9 Amazing Health Advantages Of Oats You Should Know
Pears is a very hydrating fruit and not many people are aware that pears are high in fibre and minerals. It helps in strengthening your immunity system. Its skin has lots of vitamins and fibre and therefore, it is recommended to have them along with its skin to get rid of constipation. Even children can have them regularly to have timely cleansing of the waste.
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Beans are rich source of proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals. While proteins help in regularising your digestive system, fibre content in beans assists in proper assimilation of carbohydrates that can make the digestion process slow. Including beans in your diet will ensure that you have lots of fibre and your stomach will feel full for longer. Make sure to have beans preparation daily in your platter without spicing them much, of course!
If you want to get relieved from the constant problem of constipation, make sure that you have a lentil side dish in your diet in daily basis. Have multiple kinds of lentils that are loaded with proteins, fibre and minerals and have low glycemic index. Lentils have been always advised to people suffering from irregular bowel movements. You need to take care that you don’t make your lentil preparation too oily or spicy, since they won’t be effective then.
Sweet Potatoes
Roots and tubers are undoubtedly the best foods for preventing constipation. One among them that has extremely great amounts of fibre is sweet potatoes. One cup servings of sweet potatoes can provide you with 5 to 6 gms of fibre, which is a good chunk of the daily recommended amount. You can boil them till they get tender and add some salt and seasoning to taste. It can prove a great side dish or a starter.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.