Many times it happens that you need to be physically and mentally present at a meeting but you are not feeling active at all. You may find your eyes getting heavy at the middle of the day when you must actually be highly productive. This kind of feeling is called drowsiness. When you start feel drowsy, you may not be completely asleep but you will be hardly attentive towards your work. You may not be able to think and act with a logical attitude.
You may be physically present while mentally, you won’t be grasping what others would tell you. You may feel confused and even your memorising abilities may decline. There are various reasons for feeling dozy during the day and some of the most common reasons are food, medication or some habits. In terms of habits, you may feel drowsiness if you are over-working or haven’t sleep adequately for nights or you are adapting to a new time schedule. Even medications have some sedatives that can make you feel sleepy.
But the most controllable determinant responsible for the feeling of drowsiness during the day is food. If you intend to stay active and productive the whole day then you must avoid having more quantities of these 8 foods that can make you feel drowsy while hampering your efficiency:
1. White Bread

White bread is a rich source of carbohydrate but has high glycemic index causing sugar to get mixed into the blood faster. Breads can produce more glucose than required by the body owing to which you may start feeling drowsy after few hours.