7 Step Guide for Flushing Out Toxins From Your Liver
Most of us know that the sedentary lifestyle has caused lessened physical activities, increased stress, distorted our sleep patterns and created a havoc on our food consumption patterns. Keeping the other factors constant, it is basically a food for thought that of these determinants, it is food that is actually controllable. Medical researches have found that the major cause for the rising number of patients globally is toxin build-up in the body. If you eliminate these toxins, then you will definitely enjoy best of health.
Of many organs that get affected due to growth of toxins, it is liver which gets impacted the most. Many studies have revealed that there has been alarming surge in the number of people suffering from liver diseases such hepatitis, cancer, fatty liver and cirrhosis that are either fatal or require life-long medication and in some cases, transplant remains the last option.
This large meaty organ that is naturally placed on the top-right side of the belly is designed to perform its main job, i.e., to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before circulating it to other parts of the body. It also performs numerous functions such as decomposition of red blood cells, produces bile, hormone production, detoxification, plasma protein synthesis, etc.
Why does liver require detoxification?
So while your liver is ever busy in keeping the toxins at bay, it too needs frequent maintenance checks. When you hardly do anything to keep your liver in great condition, it may automatically signal you and make you suffer from acidity, bloating, dark urine and stool, constipation, acid reflux, lack of appetite, fatigue, depression, sweating, high blood pressure, yellow skin and eyes, etc.
You can do nothing to detect the health of your liver except for asking the doctor to check. This is why before you encounter with some of these symptoms, take preventive measures by following this 7 step guide for flushing out toxins from your liver:
Consume More Veggies
Most of us are aware of the fact that vegetables when consumed raw, boiled or in juice form helps in providing ample nutrition to the body. Munching raw vegetables not only aids in improving your dental health but they also are excellent in providing rich minerals, enzymes and anti-oxidants that ensure complete detoxification of the liver. Cauliflower, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, leafy greens, brussels sprouts, raddish, etc., helps in reducing acid levels of the body. It is important to understand that having these vegetables as salads will render the required effect in comparison to the veggies that has been tossed, fried or baked using oil and spices.
Know The Types Of Toxins
You are what you eat and this is why, if you are suffering from sickness constantly, then you need to watch what you are dumping in your tummy. Since the motive of eating is to derive nutrients from it, don’t give importance to attaining taste satiety by consuming processed, junk and sugary foods that are actually deteriorating your health to a great extent. These foods comprise of hydrogenated oils, excessive sugar, preservatives, artificial flavours and colours that may destroy the nutrients of the whole platter. Such foodstuffs become a pathway for toxins to enter your body. Smoking and liquor too must be avoided as they infuse in a lot of toxins that damages your liver drastically.
Have More Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C that helps in building your immunity system while regulating the functioning of the liver. This juicy fruit is also rich in antioxidants and essential acids that eliminates toxins from your liver. Have more tomatoes in your salads and use homemade preservative-free tomato sauces to give the right boost to your busy liver.
Don’t Forget Those Mineral Rich Leafy Greens
Green leafy veggies such as spinach, fenugreek, chenopodium album leaves, etc contain high amounts of minerals and anti-oxidants that improve the filtration process performed by liver. Since iron and potassium are largely found in green leafy vegetables, consuming its juice on daily basis will help your body get rid of toxins, which weakens your body’s ability to fight diseases.
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Consume Foods That Are Rich In Potassium
Potassium is an essential mineral for the body that keeps your heart in great health, strengthens muscles and nerves and minimises the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol. Besides, medical experts have found that foods rich in potassium help in cleansing the liver. While the daily recommended dosage of potassium is about 4700 mg, it is sweet potato that must be incorporated in your diet to fulfil this requirement to a large extent. Sweet potatoes are also rich source of fibre, magnesium, iron, beta carotene and vitamins. Potassium is also abundantly available in bananas, sun dried tomatoes, kidney beans, dried fruits, fish, avocado, dark leafy greens and milk.
Start Incorporating More Of Beans & Legumes
Beans and legumes are some of the richest source of proteins and fibre. Not many people are aware that they contain huge quantities of potassium too. Since fibre aids in proper digestion of food, protein helps in strengthening the muscles and stimulates growth hormones and potassium works best in removal of toxins from the body, beans and legumes definitely are super foods for maintaining your well being.
Build Your Liking For Bananas
Bananas are great source of calcium, fibre and essential minerals like potassium. They efficiently help the body in getting rid of toxins, heavy metals and regulates the bowel movements. Having 2 to 3 bananas a day can thoroughly cleanse your liver and rejuvenate its working.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.