Five Ways to Pass Your College Courses: University Tips for Students 

It happens to the best of us – you end up adding too many classes to your schedule, or realize your part-time job needs you now more than ever. You might be feeling panicked and ready to give up. However, it’s important to keep your head up and stick to the motto: work smarter, not harder. This means recording your classes instead of taking notes, hiring an essay writing service, or even getting a nap in between classes. 

  1. Use a Voice Recorder Instead of Taking Notes

Many people find it difficult to take notes in class because the professor may be speaking too fast, or they were distracted by a chatty classmate. Without good notes, your chances of getting a good grade in that class are slim to none. But instead of speed writing illegible notes, take a voice recorder with you to class so that you can record and play back that day’s lecture. This way, you can take notes at your own pace. 

  1. Get Help with Your Homework

Many students find themselves falling behind because they either forget to do their homework or just simply can’t keep up. Instead of giving up, try to get help first. Talk to your advisor about hiring a tutor to help, or take matters into your own hands and hire an online essay writing service to help you with your workload. 

  1. Find a Study Buddy

This is a surefire way to make sure you never miss anything again. Find someone you can trust in every class to take notes for you on days when you may not be able to make it, and vice versa. This can also be someone for you to study with or who may even be able to tutor you if you’re having issues with that particular class. You may even gain a new friend! 

  1. Talk to Your Professors

If you are falling behind in a particular class or are having a hard time understanding a particular lesson, don’t be afraid to reach out to your professors for help. Chances are, they’ll admire the fact that you’re trying and may offer you help either in the form of extra credit or tutoring. If you simply can’t keep up with the class, they may offer alternative options for you to take. 

  1. Get Organized 

One of the most important things you can do for yourself in college is to stay organized. This means having a calendar or planner for you to mark down important dates such as when you have a test or an assignment due. This will help you stay on track of your courses and will make you feel more in control of your life. Make sure to have a separate folder or notebook for each class. By doing this, you won’t have to scramble through all your other notes to find something in particular.  Make flashcards for tests, colour code your books, whatever you need.


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