Rules To Help You To Spend Your First Night Together
This post was last updated on May 25th, 2024

Spending the first night together is always an exciting and invigorating experience which gives sweat to almost every couple.
No matter how much confident you are, you will get cold feet for sure on your first night. Some people even get nervous due to unexpected things on bed. First night always comprises of some good and bad experiences. And there lies maximum chances of mishaps that could make your first night real awkward and weird.
So, it’s always better to know the rules of spending the first night with someone special if you don’t want to make your first night experience a horrible one. Read on..
Keep low expectations
Yes, it’s your first night together and you are super excited for the special night getting too close to your partner. But, your significant other might not feel the same way. Your partner might not be planning to get physical with you. So, better keep your expectations low to avoid disappointment.
Get safety precautions
If you don’t want pregnancy and STDs then better be safe. Keep your own precaution or ask your partner to use condom for a nice and intense love making experience. If you think pills work too, yes they do but to avoid sexually transmitted diseases it’s better to use condoms.
Be clean and hygienic
If you know, what I mean. No one wants a real stinky or messy sexual experience. So, before the act, get yourself ready properly. Get a nice bubble bath and get cleaned.
Set of the romantic mood
Just, think about some rose petals all over, scented candles, some romantic aroma and red or grey silk satin bed sheets on your first night together. Heavenly, isn’t it? To set the perfect climate of love making add these factors to spice up your sexual experience.
Accept awkwardness
First nights always come with some weird and awkward situations or acts that might make you feel little weird, but try to accept all those flaws in a fun way to let your partner feel free. Your weird reaction to those embarrassing moments might turn off your partner. So, forget everything and enjoy your best.
Keep yourself groomed
Yes, it’s a part of proper love making. You don’t want to hurt your partner of course. So, better keep yourself properly groomed. Do whatever it takes be it moisturizing razors, wax strips, trimmers, hair removal creams or whatever. Just try to look good.
Be ready to get dirty
Sex is real messy and dirty. So, you can’t go eeww..! while having sex. So get yourself mentally prepared on your first night. Take it as a part of love making and physical intimacy. Once you get into it, you will start loving to get dirty.
Stay relaxed
Don’t worry too much thinking about the outcomes and scenarios. Just be yourself and relax. Don’t forget that your partner is a human too and you never know your partner might be feeling the same. So stay cool and calm, go with the flow and enjoy your first night together.
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Avoid being too kinky or extreme
It’s the first time and you don’t want to scare your partner off with unexpected things. Better talk about those kinky things with your partner, otherwise, your partner might jump back into his or her clothes and start running! Very smartly and slowly introduce your little fetishes by talking about it casually, suggest it or subtly mention it in your conversations. and check if your partner violently opposed to it or willing to give it a try.
Stay focused on your partner
Some couples get so nervous on their first night that they focus on everything except their significant other, which kills the mood of your partner and gives you a bad first night experience. Even if you don’t want sex on first night, talk about it with your partner and let him or her know that you’ll welcome all kind of conversations and you want fun not sex.
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Try your best moves
If you are confident about some of your best moves, then try those. Don’t think to try new things as you might end up in a real embarrassing situation.
Don’t be too insecure about your body
You might think, you’re overweight, or fat, or too flat, quite jiggly or not sexy, but to be honest all this doesn’t matters. If you’re confident with your approach then your partner will get impressed for sure. Just, relax!
Communicate properly
Yeah, communication is the most important thing. You can’t have a silent and lovely romantic night. You will have to speak up to know what your partner feels, wants, wishes for, desires for etc.etc. Communications feels the gap to know your partner much better.
Be normal after getting done
Try to be casual after having sex. Don’t behave too much detached, withdrawn or serious with your partner. This might make your partner feel that something went wrong from his end and of course you don’t wanna spoil your first night experience. So, be normal and try to be casual as much as you can.
Love the moment even if you not having sex
Having sex on first night is not that important. What matters most importantly is getting connected with your partner be it emotionally, physically or psychologically. Don’t react or get disappointed when you not having sex, rather enjoy the moment with your significant other and just have fun in every situation.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.