Fine-tune Your Body Defenses With These Quick Techniques

This post was last updated on June 6th, 2024

Man with vegetables.

Though your world is teeming with contagious microorganisms still your health does not fail you for majority of the period. You can attribute it to your immune mechanism which shields you against disease-creating germs. Its time you stopped thanking your immune system and devised smarter ways to realize its full potential.

Get sufficient sleep and control stress as both inadequate sleep and excessive stress leads to increased production of cortisol hormone whose prolonged increase reduces immune functioning. Tobacco smoke should also be avoided as it impairs normal immune defenses besides increasing the suspectibility to bronchitis & pneumonia amongst everyone and particularly middle ear contamination in children. Over consumption of alcohol also damages immune system making you prone to lung disease. Eating a lot of vegetables, fruits and nuts besides seeds will also supply you with the nutrients required by your immune system. In a survey of aged adults it was found that consuming more fruits & vegetables enhanced antibody response for Pneumovax vaccine that prevents infestations by Streptococcus pneumonia. 

Supplements have been shown to lower the instances of respiratory & gastrointestinal disorders. Fermented milk foods are also seen to diminish respiratory infections among adults & children. Sunlight also activates vitamin D discharge by the skin. Reduced vitamin D concentration is associated with more cases of breathing infection. Garlic constitutes a wide-ranging antimicrobial ingredient & immune raiser and since heat can deactivate it you should put it in foods just prior to serving. Medicinal mushrooms like shiitake or maitake in concentrated form have a positive effect in women suffering from breast cancer. If you are a victim of repeated infections, opt for immune-supportive herbs like eleuthero or Asian & American ginseng besides astragalus. Echinacea tincture is also handy when you are attacked by respiratory viruses.

Include these hygienic foods in your recipe to boost your immune mechanism in a palatable manner:



Loaded with selenium, the savory shellfish multiplies the production of your body protein cytokines, which keeps illnesses at bay.


Strawberries in Yogurt.

Yogurt incorporating live cultures has abundant amount of lactobacillus acidophilus & bifidobacterium lactis to combat disease-inducing bacteria and augment WBC count.

Green Tea

Green tea leaf powder.

Green tea has lots of the amino acid L-theanine, which spurts the discharge of germ-resisting compounds within your T-cells apart from heightening your metabolism.


Bunch of oranges.

Oranges, a leading source of immunity-enhancing vitamin C helps your body to generate higher quantities of antibodies & WBCs.


Cooked whole crab.

Crab flesh is also filled with selenium, the immunity booster ingredient.


Garlic in the basket.

Garlic contains ajoene, allicin & thiosulfinates, sulphur-rich compounds which keep away diseases and assist in fighting infections.


Bunch of carrots.

Carrots are composed of beta carotene, the phytonutrient which escalates the body’s release of T-cells along with regular killer cells.


Spinach leaves in bowl.

Plenty of antioxidants present in spinach improved your immune activity.

Sweet Potatoes

Cooked sweet potatoes in the bowl.

Sweet potatoes are also rich in beta carotene, which promotes your physique’s T-cell & NK-cell numbers.


Fresh Mushrooms.

Mushrooms, laden with beta glucans stimulate the discharge of NK & T-cells within your system to ward off infections.


Cooked salmon fish.

The omega-3 fatty acids contained in Salmon spurs your body’s phagocytes in combating bacteria in a more effective manner.


Fresh kiwi fruits.

The high content of vitamin C present in kiwis secures your body from infections.

Bell Peppers

Red green and yellow bell capsicums.

The vitamin C existing within bell peppers induces your system to discharge more interferon which encloses cell surface and wards off viruses.


Fresh Broccoli.

Broccoli is filled with glucosinolates whose high sulfur content activates the normal antioxidant systems of your body.


Raw barley in the plate.

Barley includes beta glucans in abundance which has antioxidant & antimicrobial attributes.

Lifestyle Patterns

Learning to relax is a lifestyle change that boosts your immune system. Studies have shown that stressful emotions can actually diminish immune antibodies levels which are proteins that affixes to foreign invaders and kill them. On the contrary, persons who were more relaxed and stress-free witnessed a rise in immune antibodies. Meditation accompanied by deep breathing & mental concentration is a great relaxation. Cycling, swimming and frequent walks diminish stress besides improving the functioning of lymphatic mechanism – a maze of vessels which accumulates toxins and eliminates them from your system. Muscular activity stops the lymphatic structure from getting sluggish and facilitates effective disposal of toxins. Daily brushing of skin also improves circulation and preserves the glow on your skin. It is also beneficial for lymphatic drainage which is the body technique of extracting toxins and dissolving excess fluid. It also supports cellulite shifting by promoting lymphatic circulation within your thighs & buttocks which is the point of accumulation of fats and proteins plus waste products.

Everyday Activities To Stay Healthy

You can also explore a few easy daily activities to keep happy and healthy. Frequently hang-out with your friends as social interaction has been found to have a direct association with immunity. Listening to Beethoven or other melodies can also sooth your senses and make you feel good while participation in group-drumming activity can increase regular killer-cell action. Undesirable and noisy sounds may create muscle tension; accelerate heartbeat, narrow blood vessels besides causing digestive disorders. Constant contact with noise can result in permanent BP alterations, cholesterol percentages and immune operation. So take control of your surroundings, even though it involves putting on earplugs or requesting the restaurant handler to lower down the music. Avoid painful emotions such as anger and sorrow which can adversely affect health and try belly laughing that is known to elevate infection-destroying antibodies and natural killer cells. Regular, mild exercise has a positive impact over the body’s self-defense mechanism.

Try out these innovative ideas to hike up your immune system.

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