Everything You Should Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are a sensitive topic for most people. Some even shy away from seeking treatment due to fear of criticism. However, untreated STDs can lead to severe health complications that may jeopardize your life. Carolina Urgent Care offers confidential STD testing in Chapel Hill ensuring that you get the treatment you need and deserve.

When to consider taking an STD test

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections transmitted from one individual to another through sexual contact, vaginal, anal, or oral sex. However, some STDs like HPV and herpes can be transmitted via skin-to-skin contact. If you have several sexual partners or are intimately involved with someone who has multiple sexual partners, you have a high risk of contracting these infections. You should be aware of STDs including genital warts, human papillomavirus (HPV), gonorrhea, genital herpes, and trichomoniasis. The Carolina Urgent Care specialists offer effective treatments to alleviate your symptoms and prevent the spread of the infection and other related health complications.

Many people don’t get tested until the STD has advanced and caused irreversible damage to their organs. If you experience pain when urinating, foul-smelling vaginal odor, fever, warts around your genitals, or unusual vaginal discharge or sores around your mouth, anus, or genitals, don’t hesitate to inform your doctor. If you also notice changes in the appearance of your genitals, go for STD testing. Early detection and treatment can prevent further health complications.

How you can prepare for an STD test

You must acknowledge that STD testing is a personal choice to ensure your overall health and that of your current or future sexual partner. It is a brave decision that deserves a pat on the back. Anyone can get the test regardless of the number of sexual partners. However, the frequency of testing relies on several factors. If you are suspicious about a sexual encounter and get tested the next day, the infection may not be detectable. You can discuss a screening frequency that works in your favor with your medical provider. Remember to be completely honest about your sexual history and risk factors during your test. Holding back information can make you miss crucial tests, leading to a wrong diagnosis.

What to expect during an STD test

Depending on your risk factors and sexual history, the Carolina Urgent Care team may recommend unique tests to identify the STI. Your provider may use urine and blood tests to diagnose HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Sometimes blood and urine tests may not be as practical as other tests, and it may take some time for the tests to show accurate results after exposure. If you acquire HIV, it may take several weeks or months before the tests can detect the virus. The team may recommend using swabs. They may use a cotton applicator to take cervical or vaginal swabs during pelvic exams. If you also have anal sex, the team may take a rectal swab to check for infection.

To learn more about STD testing, call the Carolina Urgent Care office or use the online scheduling button to create an appointment.



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