Technology is great, isn’t it? You can, if you want to, make a video call to almost anybody, almost anywhere in the world, at almost any time you choose. You can send gigabytes of video or audio data wirelessly, sometimes in a matter of seconds. And if all that fails, you can ping an SMS or TEXT message, probably even faster.
How quickly things get forgotten
You might remember the introduction of the first mobile phones, most people were absolutely gobsmacked, intrigued but also cautious but, at the same time, here was one of the most amazing pieces of technology ever invented and, the wow factor probably lasted around a few years or so until mobile phones were being mass produced in such numbers that nearly everybody could afford to have one and, they became part of human life.
The shine soon goes
The magic of a new piece of technology tends to dissipate pretty quickly when it becomes affordable to the masses, a household everyday item that most people couldn’t envisage living without these days. Mind blowing really when you consider that things like mobile phones have only been mainstream for just over a couple of decades, companies like Prodocom SMS Marketing aren’t even that old but , they still use SMS marketing!
The way of life
The new generations of children born within say, the last 15 years won’t know any difference, they won’t recall having to call mum and dad if they could use the landline phone to call their friend and make some arrangements. How things ever happened is a real wonder these days if you consider, people weren’t always at home but you’d never know unless you could speak with them, which you couldn’t because they weren’t there.
Going out on a whim
Perhaps your friend’s family didn’t hear the phone ring? There was always that coin tossing moment in the head of, should I go or not? With nothing better to do, you jump on your bike, and go on a mini trek on the off chance that they are there when you get there. Lo and behold, when you arrive, there is no one to be seen, a quick shrug of the shoulders and a slow ride home again is underway before you know it.
That just wouldn’t happen these days, similar to the notion of Crypto currency which some people see as the norm, people are not that relaxed anymore, it’s almost like the technology is breeding crazy people or, at least changing people’s brain patterns, expectations, demands and perhaps even creating warped sense of reality.
You’ve only got to look at some people when it comes to their mobile phones, they are quite literally surgically attached, to the point that they probably find themselves with their phone in their hand in the morning before they’ve even opened their eyes properly.
Instant gratification
These days, there is so much tech in a phone that even using the thing can bring on a headache and we are expected to become ‘one with machine,’ at some point in the not-too-distant future something only dreamt about in movies like The Terminator which, nearly 40 years ago there were people who said it will never happen.