9 Essential Habits To Enhance Your Productivity At Work
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
Any organisation can survive only with the strong support of its employees and their productivity. Whether you are doing a job or are an entrepreneur, you must know that the productivity levels of employees are directly proportionate with the growth and stability of any business. Many studies have found that even though companies have registered growth and the number of hours worked also surged but surprisingly, the productivity witnessed a downfall. This means the increased effort did not yield expected results.
Companies find it hard to deal with the productivity issues as dealing with humans is a complicated process in comparison to dealing with machines. Many companies have engaged their human resource department in finding out what makes the employees contribute less to work.
Finally, most of the studies concluded that even though employees are satisfied with the compensation and work environment of the organisation, they give less than expected output due to their own habits. While there are employees who are more productive, then there are also employees who are less productive. So let’s see what are these 9 essential habits that can enhance your productivity at work:
1. Value Your Work
Work is worship. Your work helps you earn your living. Most people strive for getting their favourite jobs but end up in doing jobs in other streams. But you should build interest in the work you do, because it is the interest in you that will drive you to work hard and achieve success step by step. For valuing your work, it is necessary that you function in an organized manner. You should prepare a to-do list as soon as you reach the office and organize your tasks on the basis of priority. You must keep a proper record of your work and clear all pending work from time to time. Moreover, enjoy doing your work and take pride in doing it.
2. Avoid Personal Work
Productivity at workplace is hampered to a great deal due to involvement in personal work. People mostly use the systems at work for paying bills, chatting with online groups, viewing friend’s activities on social networking sites, etc. Many people are used to taking long breaks and they procrastinate their office work at the cost of finishing their personal tasks.
Moreover, people have become habitual of sticking to their smartphones. They are either having chat with friends or having long conversations with friends or family members. People are however, getting addicted to playing games on their phones for endless hours and waste that time, which could have been utilised for completing an important task at work.
3. Have Healthy Food & Get Rid Of Bad Habits
Healthy food and good nutrition enables you to have the energy to work efficiently. Working people are developing the habit of depending on outside food vendors, who generally sell junk food. Junk food lacks adequate nutritional levels and can make you feel lethargic after some time. It is advised to have small sizes of meals every 2 hours, which will stop your untimely food cravings while providing you with good nutrition and your mind will be occupied in work. Also it has been found that more consumption of alcohol or addiction to smoking makes you less productive.
4. Avoid Making Your Afternoon Gloomy
After having lunch, it may take you time to get back to the work rhythm. Instead of gulping high amount of caffeine and sugar in the form of coffees or gearing up on energy drinks, grab a cup of herbal or green tea. It will soothe your senses and will awaken your lost energy. Caffeinated drinks can make you lazy and can cause fatigue, while deteriorating your health condition after prolonged consumption.
Related: Top 5 Ways to Manage your Day Effectively for More Productivity
5. Prepare For Tomorrow At Night
Productive employees take their work very seriously. They have a strong belief that it is their dedication towards work, which will help realise their long term goals of becoming successful. They keep their attire, their presentations, important papers, etc ready in advance. They have their dinner on time and they don’t intake coffee, tea or alcohol late at night as they know it will distort their sleep pattern. They also don’t watch television for long hours at night. They go to bed on time and set an alarm for the next day.
Read: 9 Habits that Productive People Do Before Going Sleep
6. Ensure Adequate Rest
If you have healthy food and regularly do exercise but you don’t take adequate rest, then your contribution to your work is actually less than your full capacity. After a hard day’s work, your body needs to take rest to rejuvenate your strained muscles and stressed up brain. Working continuously for hours and hours can cause you mental as well as physical stress. You need to take breaks in between and refresh yourself. Additionally, at night, you must ensure that you sleep for 7 hours at a stretch to restart your work with more vigour and stress-free attitude.
7. Make Your Mornings Active
If you wake up early in the morning, then you will have oodles of time to relax your mind over a cup of tea and read the daily news feed. You can exercise, meditate or practise yoga for relaxing your muscles and feel calmness in your mind and soul. You can also get ready before time and finish your personal work along with some household chores. If you start your day early, you will realise how long the day is, to actually finish your work and at the same time enjoy the coziness of your home. In this way, your productivity at home will also get a boost!
Read: How to start your working day in a better way?
8. Avoid Non-Productive Tasks
Since you work for 8 hours a day, you must ensure that not much time is wasted in non productive matters. You should be able to prowess in the art of time management. Prepare a list of tasks and allot deadlines to finish them. As you develop your interest in finishing the tasks within stipulated deadlines, then you will start having fun from your work. Also, take a note that you don’t involve in stretching discussions in meetings or general conversations, because such debates don’t result productively and will eat a major chunk of your precious time.
9. Put Genuine Efforts
Even if you feel that you are being compensated less or the work ambience doesn’t suit you, try your best to put genuine efforts. Your hard work will never go unappreciated. Try to showcase your versatility and creativity in a dedicated manner. Be determined to honestly perform your tasks despite criticism. Compete with yourself and avoid competing with others. Set a target for yourself and chase it and enjoy victory against yourself.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.