How Can A Right Ergonomic Office Chair Change Your Life?
This post was last updated on November 29th, 2024
Man and movement go together. Nature has designed our body so that we can be active all the day through. However, the recent office requirements make sitting for long hours in a chair compulsory for almost everyone. A study conducted by Herman Miller reveals that more people now sit than sleep, which is certainly abnormal.
That is why; you will find most of the office workers complaining about back, waist and neck pain.
Injuries related to jobs have been on the rise for the past two decades, especially since the office work has been restricted to table and chair. Every year, thousands of people take leave or resign due to some form of injury. Not only it affects the overall productivity of the company, it also affects the career and families of highly skilled and talented people.

Minimizing Injuries at Work
One cannot avoid sitting on the chair for long, as nowadays it has become an integral part of the work routine. So how can you ensure minimum injuries and provide adequate and required support to your spine and neck? Your regular task chair is certainly not the support system you should be looking for. It is high time you get yourself a proper ergonomic office chair that helps you to focus more on your work and not on the pain caused due to the chair.
One of the best choices can be the Herman Miller embody chair which is the right equipment for office workers. Even the safety experts agree that using the correct chair is one of the most important equipment pieces in almost all the workplaces.
Ergonomic Office Chairs Decrease Daily Discomfort
Ergonomics is a science, which is used to make fitting machines for a man or create tasks and tools to fit the user. Primarily the ergonomics aim to reduce the stress caused during working due to physical and environmental factors. In a nutshell, ergonomic designs are dedicated to creating machines, workplaces and tasks that help the human body overcome the limitations and produce output according to his maximum capabilities.
The principle of ergonomics says that the chair should be designed in such a way that it should first fit its user, then the task and allow the posture to change according to the various activities required to be performed as a part of the task.
Results suggest that regular use of ergonomic office chair helps to minimize the risk of injury on the job as well as daily discomfort that can disturb the user during work and reduce his output capacity. Health experts point out that the musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are more often caused due to the use of wrong equipments such as the chairs at the workplace. The major causes of MSDs include repetitive stress, motion, wearing, and tearing of joints and tendons. A study on people who miss working more every year has revealed that almost 33 % cases are related to MSDs injuries and illnesses.
Advantages of Using Ergonomic Office Chair
1. Improves Productivity
When you use a good ergonomic chair for offices such as the Herman Miller embody chair at work it helps reduce presenteeism which is known to cause medical condition or illness in the employees when they show up for work. Ultimately, it results in increased levels of productivity.
That is why, most of the corporate houses and offices consider ergonomics in the workplace as an investment as it automatically improves productivity, increases presenteeism and lowers worker compensations and insurance cases. A research says that the worker productivity can be increased to around 17.5% simply by using an ergonomic office chair with proper training.
2. Reduces Orthopedic Damage
Regular use of the ergonomic office chair not only reduces potential damage to the user, but it also extends his working span. Renowned brands in this field provide training to the employees to understand the proper and multiple uses of the chair. With the right use of this adjustable chair, the cases of orthopedic damage or injury are greatly reduced and the employee can comfortably perform the office work for a longer duration and extend his working years.
3. Happy Workers Contribute More
It is a proven fact that if workers are happy with the working environment, they produce better output. Employers compromising on the office equipments to reduce investment actually have to suffer in the long run. Several studies have proved that the organizations that use good quality ergonomic chairs in the workplace have to pay comparatively lesser workers compensation claims than the employers using cheaply manufactured goods.
4. Balancing Between Technology and Physical Harmony
A Herman Miller Embody Chair is targeted at balancing the physical harmony and technology so that the user can feel comfortable while using it. An office worker spends a lot of time interacting with various devices only using his fingers, hands and arms. The rest of the body has to remain in still position without moving. It can cause the upper and lower limbs to become stiff and tired leading to serious injuries in the long run.
The Herman Miller chair offers pixilated support to the user when you sit down. It makes you feel as if you are floating, but you are perfectly balanced. The dynamics of pixels and the back and seat surfaces of the chair automatically adapt to the micro-movements of the body and reduce the body weight evenly when you sit. The balance in physical harmony and technology is thus matched that greatly encourages movement and pressure essential for maintaining focus on the work, improves oxygen flow and healthy blood circulation.
5. Improves Career Graph
Fewer injuries at work ensure better output and increased chances of increment and promotion. When you are comfortable and happy while working, you can focus on the task without any disruption. Giving 100% at work improves your value in the eyes of the higher officials and you stand a good chance of getting the benefits that you deserve.
Thus, a good quality ergonomic office chair provides a win-win situation for both the employees and the employers. Together they can take their organization to a higher level of success and achievements.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.