While watching action-drama films with guns, rifles, shootings and even fight scenes kids start playacting the scenes out with their friends and siblings. At the age of 8 and above this trait is seen in most of the kids after they see a fight that they have enjoyed. This act of pretention gets a lot more dramatic when the kids get a gel toy gun in their hand with their group of friends or siblings. Visit Gelblasters and find out what are gellets made from.
Not only kids’ even youngsters enjoy this act and thus people are really fond of the new paintball games, gel blasters and even the smartphone games like PUBG that have various action missions have been played quite a lot by the kids and youngsters. And to enjoy these games in the best manner Tactoys offers a range of toy guns that include rifles, pistols and SMG’s. The company is based in Brisbane, QLD. They ship all their products from QLD only. The company ships its products in the whole Australia.
How to use Tactoys gel blast/ gel balls?
The company also offers gel blasters which are extremely fun to play with in the games of shooting. These gel blaster or gel balls are loaded in the toy guns and are shot from a distance. Tactoys gel blast/gel balls are absolutely harmless and non-toxic and thus are reliable to play with.
These toy blast or firearms shoot the gel balls or gel blasters which have a gel palette that is to be soaked in water for at least 4 hours for it work. The company sends its gel blasters after dehydrating so that it does not create any mess. However, one has to be careful about the storage of these gel balls. The storage of the gel balls can be in water for however long one wishes to keep them, nonetheless the water in which they are stored must be fresh in order to keep them in size.
Storing of the gel balls
Also, the gel balls can be stored in a bottle in the fridge too for a long time. If one fails in storing these balls properly it can so happen that they balls shrink down to a smaller size and may not work properly.
Also, even after hydration of the minimized gel balls they may not work in the best manner and may not grow back to their actual size. There is a high chance that one would not enjoy the performance of the minimized gel balls. In order to enjoy them at their best one must make sure that the rules of storage of these balls are followed accordingly. Many customers are concerned about the gel balls leaving stains and marks on clothes and floor which is not true. The gel balls do not leave any stains and are absolutely harmless.
Pre-order your guns and gel balls
While handling the orders of these toy blast guns, accessories and gel balls, the company assures that their customers get the best experience. Considering the demand of these products the company offers its customers a facility of pre-order. The company takes pre-orders of its products if they have gone out of stock and by applying for pre-orders in any of the products of Tactoys the customer is put into a list and is served as soon as the products are back in stock.
Further on, to provide the customers with the evidence of the quality of their guns, accessories and gel blast and gel balls they welcome their customers at their store to have a look and feel and also test them if they wish to.