15 Effective Ways To Supercharge Your Brain
This post was last updated on January 16th, 2024

Our brain is the most powerful organ of our body. Brain controls our body movements, co-ordinations, hormonal balances and all chemical and physical process of our body. You can say that the brain is the king of all organs that manages all other body organs. It is the centre of the nervous system in vertebrates and invertebrates. Well, let’s not get more into biology but our brain is the significant organ of our body which needs to be pampered and enhanced more often, as whatever we do be it thinking, remembering, reminding, speaking, walking or hearing everything depends on our brains super power. Charging our brain is very essential like our body needs recharge too to get active.
Here are some effective ways to supercharge and enhance your brain.
1. Meditate and practice yoga
It’s no doubt that meditation and yoga enhances your mind’s health. Even 20 minutes of daily meditation de-stress and relax your body, reduces stress hormones and blood pressure. Mediation gives you a stable mind and capability of de-fragmenting your thoughts. It also enhances memory and learning capacity.
Read: Why Should We Meditate Daily?
2. Get a good sleep
Studies say that long term memory is obtained while sleep by replaying all the activities, experiences and images of the day like a slideshow. These repeated images in the subconscious mind stores information and improves memory.
3. Listen to music
Listening to slow music relaxes your mind and stabilizes pulse rate and heart rate according to the studies. Soothing music recharges your brain and increases brain storming capacity.
4. Have sex, more sex
Sex is fun and exciting and relieves stress. But sex is good for your brain too. Sex cures headaches, reduces stress level, induces good sleep, increases blood flow to your blood.
Read: Why You Need To Have Sex With Your Partner Everyday?
5. Read more
Reading books and novels is very much essential as it proffers your mind an escape and reduces stress. Reading energizes your mind up to 68% making it efficient for thinking.
6. Eat light meals in dinner
Eating lighter meals in dinner even little earlier helps you lose weight and also re-energizes your brain. It enhances your digestive system generating more energy which allows consistent blood flow to your brain without increasing sugar level in your blood.
7. Indulge in your creative hobbies and ideas
Spending some quality time for doing some creative things or fulfilling your creative ideas like ethnic figure paintings on the wall corners, learning new languages, singing, writing poetries reduces your stress and exercises your mind more to get more productivity and creativity.
8. Do exercise
Exercising is very much crucial for all health issues. It activates your body metabolism and pumps more blood to create consistent blood flow to brain and hence it increases focusing and concentrating power of brain.
9. Avoid multitasking
Multitasking really harms your brain to much extent. It reduces brain understanding capacity and concentration. Multitasking gives your brain poor memory too. So, better avoid multitasking.
10. Walk and spend time more with nature
Nature and its natural light enhances mind and soul. Exposing yourself to natural and natural light increases concentration level, and enables your brain to become more productive.
11. Have body massage more often
Massaging your body with essential oils rejuvenate mind and body. It lowers cortisol level, insulin level and stress level.
12. Avoid sugar intake
Sugar is a form of carbohydrate which breakdowns into fat. Sugar makes your body feel fatigued and sluggish and also shows neurotic symptoms. Sugar causes, memory loss, claustrophobia. So, avoiding sugar is a good idea to get your brain supercharged.
13. Sip more apple juice
Apples are the best fruit for a healthy diet and lifestyle. It helps your body to produce neurotransmitters that increase memory and retain information. Apples reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.
14. Add Vitamin B12 to your diet
Vitamin B12 helps your brain to grow in size. It increases your learning power, concentration, critical thinking and improves your IQ. Taking Vitamin B12 daily in your diet is always recommended by doctors.
15. Jump on to eat almonds
Eating more almonds is a traditional method of increasing memory power of children and adults as they are enriched in Vitamin E and antioxidants. Mothers always recommend to drink milk with almonds before sleep as it enhances your memory and concentration.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.