Easy Tips To Take Care of Dry Skin
This post was last updated on July 29th, 2023
Skin is a mirror of our health condition and healthy skin determines great health condition. Healthy, supple and good looking skin is everyone’s dream. We all have many problems in life, but problems related to our appearance disturb us the most. Of skin problems, dry skin can be very irritating and very difficult to take care of. Moreover, if the skin flakes and cracks, which gets worse in winter season, then it can be an utter painful experience.
This actually means that you need to take an extra step in taking care of dry skin in comparison to other people with normal skin types. Also, if you already have tried and tested many chemical formulations on your skin then you won’t be hesitating in trying out some home remedies too. Since skin dryness is a problem faced by almost everyone, so these 7 easy tips to take care of dry skin can be universally utilised by everyone:
1. Massage Your Face & Body With Fruit Oils
Oils made of olives, avocados, almonds, walnuts, etc are widely used in aroma therapy. Massaging face or body with such oils are very moisturising and penetrates deep inside the pores, binding them together and continuous usage will retain good moisture level in the skin. These oils are very safe to use unlike those chemically formulated oils, which may have adverse effects on your skin. Massage deeply your skin with these amazing fruit oils and you will not only feel relaxation on your skin but also will reduce stress. These oils can be applied before bath and some quantity after bath too.
2. Use A Gentle Face Wash & A Gentle Shower Gel
Dry skin needs good nursing. Harsh caustic soaps or heavily scented gels can further deteriorate its condition. So the first step towards a healthy skin, is the choice of good soap or shower gel. A simple milk moisturising soap is enough but if you have an extra dry skin, then shower gel is the best solution. Choose natural fruity mild shower gel with exfoliating particles to smoothly rub off the dead skin surface and give a smooth and luscious finish to the skin.
3. Avoid Taking Showers For Long Time
It is true that nothing can be so peaceful as the time spent under the shower. It relives mind and body along with relaxing each and every strained muscle. However, long time in the shower can rob off your skin’s naturally secreted oils making it further dry. Also avoid using hot water or cold water as they both are equally bad for dry skin. Limit your bathing time to 10 minutes and pat yourself softly with a soft towel. Don’t rub your skin with towel vigorously as it will lead to flaking.
4. Moisturise Your Skin After Bathing
After bathing, your skin becomes dry and if you don’t apply moisturiser on the skin, then it will lose its natural sheen and will become pale. You therefore, need to apply a good moisturiser after taking a bath and equally massage it over face, neck and body. Take time to pamper yourself. Make it a part of your morning routine. Choose a moisturiser of a good brand or try some home-made moisturisers and don’t over apply them as it may give rise to other skin related issues.
5. By Using Quality Supplement
The market is full of a variety of skin care supplement but among the best ones, we found Hydralyft to be one. By using Hydralyft supplement, you protect your skin from negative effects of aging. In addition to that, it also helps to protect your skin from discoloration, sun spots, hyper-pigmentation and improves the texture of your skin.
6. Eat Good Quantity Of Fruits & Vegetables
It is said that beauty comes from within. The glow on your face is result of what you eat. Your food regulates the moisture levels of your skin and determines your skin type. Vitamin C, E, minerals, antioxidants, etc are very essential for a beautiful skin that is healthy from within. You must consume more amounts of vegetables and fruits, which contain high water level so that your skin is always hydrated. Have mixed grain flour, omega-3 fatty acids, 7 to 8 glasses of water and handful of nuts everyday to flaunt a flawlessly hydrated skin texture.
7. Reduce Stress In Your Life
While accumulating stress can affect your health badly, it can also have retrogressive effect on your skin’s well being. Continuously high stress levels can be one of the causes of dry and flaky skin. So you need to find a way to cope up with the high stress levels. Try sleeping for 7 to 8 hours every night, exercise regularly, read positive books, try breathing exercises, enjoy your favourite music, go on vacations, etc. Manage your stress levels and rejuvenate your senses to give a health boost to your skin.
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8. Avoid The Scorching Sun
During summers, we all love to spend time outside either in pools or in beaches. But the scorching sun can absorb all our skin’s moisture and can further dry it up. Also spending long hours in water can cause skin dehydration, which will also make your skin appear dry. You must rather enjoy the summer evening so as to avoid the negative effects of the sun. Even when you step out in the sun during the day, apply a coat of sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protective Factor) of 25 to 40 along with covering your face with scarf and hand with long gloves.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.