You may think that because you’ve got water from the tap it’s safe to drink. Sadly, while this should be the case it’s not true. To tell how good your water is you’ll need a water testing kit. This will give you an idea of what is really in your water.
The Quality Issue
There are two parts to the quality of your water.
Water rises into the air and then falls as rain. This water is pure until it hits the ground and flows back to the reservoirs. During its journey, it will collect minerals and other elements. The result is that the water in the treatment plant has debris and bacteria in it.
Filters are used to remove the debris and chlorine is added to kill bacteria. The water is only allowed to leave the treatment works when it reaches government-approved standards.
The water can then travel down miles of pipes until it reaches your home. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to maintain and check all these pipes all the time. Debris from inside the pipes can contaminate the water and bacteria can even get in through tiny splits in the pipe.
Alongside this, there is an abundance of fertilizers and industrial chemicals that could infiltrate the water supply.
The result is water that is not as clean as you think it may be.
Instead of testing your water every time you use it you’ll find it better to install a 5 stage reverse osmosis filter, this eliminates bacteria and minerals from the water. Giving you safe, high-quality water to drink.
Not Convinced?
Consider this. Chlorine, in its gaseous form, is an important ingredient in nerve gas. It’s an irritant that can burn your throat. Fluoride is also added at the treatment plant as it is supposed to help give you strong teeth and bones.
However, more recent research suggests that fluoride consumption can actually increase the risk of cancer developing. That means you’ll want to have both of these chemicals removed from your water. That’s why you need to invest in a water filter.
Extra Considerations
If the above wasn’t enough to get you concerned about your water you should also be aware of the following signs that your tap water is dangerous to drink.
If it’s metallic tasting, fishy, or even appears to be cloudy there’s a good chance it has been contaminated. You can use common sense to determine if the water looks acceptable to drink.
If your water is cloudy, or like brown sludge, don’t drink it. You should always have clear water, if you don’t there is an issue and you need to report it.
If you’re still not sure then wash your hands. If they feel slimy after washing them then there is a good chance that the water is contaminated. This may just be a sign of hard water but if it’s different from what you normally have be careful and check with the water board.