There’s no need for heartbreak for those that may have been accidentally left out by cupid’s arrow on Valentine’s day; maybe it’s time to take matters into your own hands not just on the most loving day, but all year round as your Romeo may be closer than you think.
A recent study by one of the UK’s leading online florists Serenata Flowers uncovered the names of the most romantic that traditional romance is still very much alive, with 94% of men in England opting for flowers as their first choice to keep the spark very much alive. The new name generator tool reveals that men named David in England, Craig in Scotland and Andrew in Wales sent the most flowers whilst Richard, Tom and Jim were the least generous.
Year on year Valentine’s day fills hearts around the world with love and joy and it seems chivalry is most certainly not dead in London England’s capital city, as a staggering 96% of men chose flower giving to share a token of love with Nicolas being the most extravagant, whilst only 4% of women opted to send flowers. Of the 4% of flower senders, those named Amanda were the most thoughtful, followed by Alison, Sharon, Taiwo and Tina.
Red roses instantly convey romance and continue to pull at the heart strings of many, so it comes with little surprise that in the UK nothing says “you’re the one” more than a fresh bouquet of flowers. In England alone thousands of bouquets were sent with men choosing to give flowers over any other gift type, closely followed by gift sets, gift message cards, balloons and vases which leads to the question, could flower giving lead to a strong and successful relationship? According to ONS marriage rate statistics UK towns with the highest flower senders also have the highest flower purchases; In Kent, England there were 7298 marriages and a whopping 846 flower senders.
The power of the flower has been appreciated for many centuries since they first appeared sometime between 250 and 140 million years ago. These powerful buds of nature not only help to boost emotional health and mood, but also inject sweet scents and stunning colour into our lives everyday. With an increase in digital gift giving, the UK floristry industry has taken note continuing to adapt to the ever-changing digital demand with services including next day delivery and special personalisation. This study shows that traditional gift giving is still very much a viable option for many with buying and sending flowers now easier than ever.