Do Legal Steroids Actually Work or Is It Just a Scam?
This post was last updated on May 25th, 2021
Weight-lifters are known for their impressive, bulky physiques. They’ve undoubtedly gone through a strict training and nutrition regimen, but many of them have enhanced their muscle size and strength with steroids.
Steroids are synthetic substances that resemble the male hormone testosterone, which enhances muscles and blocks fat storage. The type of steroids that weight-lifters are interested in are anabolic steroids. As impressive as the results can be, these aren’t legal in the US unless a doctor prescribes it–and doctors would only do that for those with serious diseases, not for able-bodied weight-lifters.
Many weight-lifters over the past decades have turned to using steroids illegally, although they often regret it because steroids produces side effects (1), some of which are permanently damaging. Taking steroids can ruin your liver (2) or stop your body from producing testosterone (3) naturally, for example.
Do Legal Steroids Really Exist?
Thankfully, we’re in the 21st century, and instead of breaking the law to achieve the body you want, there’s a much safer option: legal steroids. These give the same benefits as original steroids, but they’re made with natural ingredients so side effects are minimal.
However, many are wondering if these are scams and if legal steroids are even possible. A huge reason for this is there are countless so-called legal steroids available for sale, with varying levels of quality and without FDA approval.
In contrast, thousands of body-builders and fitness enthusiasts swear by certain products that come from trustworthy manufacturers and well-known brands. It’s also worth noting that legal steroids don’t produce results as intense as traditional steroids. While traditional steroids can change your body radically within days or a couple of weeks, legal steroids take longer to work and are more like enhancements to an active routine rather than absolute game-changers.
The short answer to this is: many are scams, but valid legal steroids do exist.
Top-Quality Legal Steroids
Here’s a list of legal steroids that have garnered lots of fans online over the years and are transparent with their ingredients:
Why D-bal: D-bal effectively increases muscle mass and strength, which is why it’s a favorite of many body-builders. Its main mechanism involves enhancing your body’s nitrogen retention. Because nitrogen is an essential component of protein, this accelerates protein metabolism and helps you build muscle and reduce body fat. It also boosts testosterone levels naturally.
What it replaces: Dianabol, the first steroid to be developed purely for performance back in the 1950s US Olympics. While it gives bulking results in as short as two weeks, it’s illegal without a prescription. Side effects include gaining breasts for men because of estrogen stimulation, increased acne and oily skin, and, worst of all, liver toxicity.
Why Trenorol: As with most steroids, trenorol makes it easier for your muscles to absorb nitrogen, so you’ll gain muscle and burn fat with significantly less effort. It accelerates production of red blood cells, giving your muscles more oxygen to fuel workouts. You can say goodbye to bloating too since it reduces water weight, making your muscles tough rather than flabby.
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What It Replaces: Trenbolone, which is described as the most potent steroid in the market. Although it’s five times as strong as testosterone. It’s only legal to use with livestock for enhancing muscle growth. Side effects include intense coughing, skin issues, blocked production of natural testosterone, sweating, paranoia, nightmares, and renal hypertrophy.
Why DecaDuro: Decaduro is another steroid that dramatically increases nitrogen retention and red blood cell count. This leads to better protein synthesis and a larger oxygen supply so you can gain stronger, bigger muscles faster. A unique benefit is that it also soothes painful joints and strengthens connective tissues, making you last longer during workouts and rest better.
What It Replaces: Deca Durobolin, an injectable steroid that promotes muscle growth but has been banned in the US since the 1974 Olympics. Its side effects are milder compared to other steroids, but users may still experience greater sodium and fluid retention, severe acne, hormonal imbalances, and even liver tumors or altered liver function.
Why Anadrole: Anadrole naturally encourages more red blood cell production. This results in more oxygen to your muscles, which serve as fuel. You have more energy to keep on going, and your muscle strength and endurance improves. It’s also important for recovery, and you can expect reduced fatigue and greater comfort when body-building.
What it replaces: Anadrol, which is a high-strength steroid that was originally used to boost red blood cell count to combat anemia, muscle-wasting, and even AIDS symptoms. It’s rarely prescribed today because there are safer alternatives. In fact, its side effects are among the worst: skin conditions, high blood pressure, and liver damage, among others.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to recreational steroid use, most members of the medical and fitness community agree that anabolic steroids should be steered clear from, especially since they can be addictive.
Dr. Daniel Hackett, an expert and university lecturer in exercise and sports science, says that the benefits even wear off and people become compelled to keep using more, to their detriment. In fact, many former steroids users confess that they regret disregarding their health.
Legal steroids, on the other hand, are another story altogether. BroScience, which is run by a sports nutrition experts and a fitness coaches, states that “side effects are nil” since legal steroids are made from natural ingredients. Legal steroids have attracted a huge following and are much safer to use than anabolic steroids. The main point to remember is to research before trying and then carefully monitor the results–all while maintaining a healthy lifestyle to get the greatest benefit.
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