They say starting is always the hardest–I guess, it really is. It sometimes gives us a hard time on deciding where to start when we’re looking to improve our home.
William Morris once said, “Do not keep anything you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” It’s an interesting quote to ponder on. It apparently tells us to declutter things that are unused, outgrown, expired, and unuseful while taking good care of the things that are worthy and those that add beauty to our home.
Decluttering means removing mess or clutter from a place. The most interesting part of decluttering is you get to see the bigger picture of what needs to be kept, what needs to be thrown away, what needs to be recycled, and what you can add to your home. Things that your house REALLY needs. Here you can remove unwanted objects or clutter in your photos by using Object Removal.
But wait… What needs to be done first in decluttering? Well, you’ll be surprised when you realize that the answer to that question of decluttering is DECLUTTERING.
To elaborate this, here are some of the things that we can actually do for effective and efficient decluttering.
Start within yourself.
Believe in the saying that it’s Mind over matter. Nothing is as strong as a mind that can control emotion. Declutter your mind from overthinking and anything that can cause your brain to imbalance. Focus on decluttering. It may sound redundant, but it actually is the right thing. Check your presence of mind. Let your mind ignore indolence, negativity, and any other outside forces that can stop this decluttering.
Set your goal.
Yes. Set what needs to be done by the end of the day. Adding time-frame is a huge plus. Be specific. One step at a time so your mind can accommodate the thoughts of what’s ahead. Don’t cram. You don’t have to finish it all in one day. Set enough time for yourself. Maybe those dresses in your wardrobe can be done in a couple of hours. Or maybe the laundry needs to be done first so you’ll be able to see the whole picture of your wardrobe wherein it will be easier for you to see those clothes that need to be thrown away already. You’ll see how setting your goal can give you a clearer image of decluttering.
Start with the easiest.
Start with the things that you can do right away and with the lowest cost. Like taking away unused utensils in the kitchen, throwing damaged figurines in the living room, or simply cleaning some part of the house with soap and water. Painting your room to improve the lighting or putting wallpapers to your ceiling or doing DIY decorations using recycled materials can be a great way to declutter too.
You can then think about other things to do to beautify your home such as changing the layout of the house, adding a granite countertop or changing your floor to marble. Those things can easily be done by checking masonry company Chicago websites.
Ask for help and suggestions
Two heads are better than one, they say. So, be it a professional interior designer or your trusted friends, asking for help and suggestions gives you different perspectives to generate effective designs for your home. You can also look online for videos about decluttering to give you better ideas about it. It’s always easy looking for the right color combination for both interior and exterior part of the house.
You can add anything on this list to help you to start right. Like monitoring your work with a checklist to to track every little progress on your home.
You see, decluttering is easy when you know where to start. Home improvement is easy when you know how to start decluttering. Know where to start and you’re halfway through.