12 Ways To Deal With Most Annoying People
This post was last updated on August 27th, 2024

It’s true that throughout your life, you’ll be in some situations where you have to deal with people you just can’t stand. You might try to stay far away from these kind of people, but practically it’s impossible. You might get the most annoying boss, a restless worker, a submissive fan, a difficult client, a demanding in-law, and many more.
No matter how much you try to run away and hide from this people you’ll often have to work with them, sometimes very closely. You can’t always be nice and professional with this people as you have to make yourself clear enough to be understood clearly which might translate into an inefficient communication that hampers entirely your plan and work related to them. Fortunately, all it takes is your patience and manner of dealing with them. It’s not going to be a horrifying experience but might challenge your patience and temperament.
Let’s get to the ways to deal with most annoying people. Here we go..
1. Try to listen more
Most of the verbal fights are based on misunderstandings, so always make sure you’re getting everything clear. It becomes easy enough to deal with someone when they annoy you and the trick is to using every detail for careful questioning to prove them wrong and tune them out. However, poor listening leads to misunderstandings that needs clarification later which means spending more time with someone you really don’t want to be around.
2. Repeat everything
Repeat every question, instructions, norms and views to make them clear with what you say. Because if there will transparent communication between both sides, things will be easier for you to stand them. And, I’m sure everyone wants to save their time.
3. Hold your anger
The most important element to work on while you deal with annoying people is holding your anger. Try not to burst like a volcano as you never know your negative impact might strike you back real hard. Annoying people are really irritating hence you need ample patience to communicate with them. Remember, Newton’s 3rd third law! “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”.
4. Be calm and cool
While you hold your temperament, try to be cool and calm. Make yourself vulnerable to positive thoughts and energy. Breathe slowly and deeply and focus on each of your breath. Remember that you are capable to deal with all kind of people easily. Rather save your energy for even worst situations and conversations.
5. Be clear about your borderline
You don’t have to be friends with everyone which means you don’t have to do favours for everyone who asks for. If someone’s spoiling your time and disturbing you, simply tell them, “I know it’s really important to you but it simply isn’t a priority for me right now as I need to focus on my work.” When you deal with annoying people remember, never let anyone to feed on your time as you can’t be available for everything for everyone.
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6. Counteract with ice to fire
If someone throws fire on you, be ready with ice and snow to neutralize the situation. Because you can’t calm down someone’s anger with your anger. You have to be smart to take things on a lighter note to avoid maximum conflicts ad brawls. Discuss the matter calmly and get back to whatever you were up to. Remember, when a person is in aggression, your rough and tough words might fire him/her more.
7. Close the door when needed
When you are consistently being irritated and annoyed by some attention seekers and pity seekers on social media or personally at your workplace and friends circle, simply close the door for them. There are many options to avoid them on social media, you can block, de-friend, unfollow them and if someone irritates you badly in personal make it clear to them to stay away from you.
8. Try not to impress everyone
You are not here to impress everyone. You can’t simply make everyone happy and content. If someone annoys you or irritates you, stop giving shit about it. Listen and avoid them and don’t take things personally if you really want to deal with annoying people.
9. Stop imagining and making stories
When someone is really trying to get under your skin, you obviously think too much to find out the reason why the person is doing so. You think about all the ways they are discomforting and disturbing you, how irritating they are and you just wait for them to do the next irritating thing that will throw you over the edge as you thought. Simply forget about people who have nothing to do with your life, rather focus what’s more important to you and what needs your real attention.
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10. Get a nice excuse
We sometimes avoid being upfront with people as we don’t want to hurt their feelings and we are concerned of our words in anger will rise to explode all over them. So, if someone repeatedly annoy you, just tell them that you need to focus right now on something more important and you can may be talk later or tell them that you’re super tired and just in a bad mood, so you’re very sorry for not being completely available in the conversation.
11. Show them their irritability
This is sometimes the only thing you need to do when everything fails and challenges your patience badly. Give them that little taste of their own annoying trait with some similar examples to make them realize how annoying they are. It will be a nice wake-up call to deal with annoying people.
12. Never compete with them
Annoying people is impossible and they are inevitable too. So, no matter how much you try to deal with them with fire you can’t just get over them. They simply waste your energy. So, it’s better to let them win. Never compete with them as it’s totally worthless.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.