Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Have 3 Dates Everyday
This post was last updated on July 27th, 2023
We all know dates as one of the most ancient super foods that is being usage in various healing practises and is the best source of iron for increasing haemoglobin level in the body. Abundantly found in the middle eastern countries where water is scarcely available, this wrinkled fruit helps in rehydrating the body and improving the energy levels owing to its complex nutrient structure.
There are various varieties of dates available in the markets and they are stocked with essential minerals, vitamins and even phytonutrients that are not easily available in the food we consume daily. Nutrients such as iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, potassium, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, etc., for which you may have to consume multiple supplements are actually available in ample amounts in dates. Besides, these are also great source of vitamin A and K, zeaxanthin, lutein and carotenes.
Moreover, did you know that the dates are rich in fibre, which helps in restoring the health of your digestive system and eliminates toxins that harm the digestive tract? So now it is time to know how the delicious looking dates wok wonders in improving our overall health in this era where we have chosen to live a sedentary lifestyle.
Why Have 3 Dates A Day?
Dates have been consumed since ages and has been deemed to have various medicinal benefits and many researches have been carried on in the past that support this fact. As per one medical study, dates proved to have many potential health benefits since they comprise of over 15 minerals, including selenium, which has been lately found to have anti-cancer properties and boosts immunity level too. Additionally, dates are said to encompass about 23 types of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids like oleic, linolenic, palmitoleic and linoleic acids.
Now that you are aware what kind of power food dates are, it becomes pertinent to know what happens to your body when you have 3 dates everyday and the results will definitely nothing but amazing:
1. Aids In Digestion
You already know that dates are ample source of soluble dietary fibre, which is a crucial factor for effective functioning of your digestive system and also regulates your bowel movements. Either constipation or diarrhoea, your digestive tract’s health is restored by consuming 3 dates everyday. Dates improve the working of good bacteria in the digestive system and can efficiently relieve any bowel discomfort you suffer from.
2. Shoots Up Your Immunity Level
Since dates comprise of minerals like selenium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, etc., your body’s ability to fight off diseases will automatically rise once you start having 3 dates everyday. Our regular diet may not consist of all these minerals in required quantities and thereby having 3 dates each day can meet your body’s mineral requirements that will ensure increased resilience to various kinds of diseases.
3. Instant Dosage Of Energy
One of the most natural, nutritious and tastiest ways of perking up your energy levels is by consuming dates. Working people often feel low energy or exhibit poor concentration levels during afternoon hours and this is when you must intake dates for a new lease of energy. The enormous quantities of dietary fibre will keep your energy levels soaring and it is the best substitute for the sugary delights you tend to have to get yourself back to work.
4. Helps In Maintaining Bone Agility
What you eat in your youth is actually the foundation of your health in the old age. If you eat junk food, then your body will itself will become a junk-yard for various diseases in the old age. Most of us don’t bother about our bone health and we hardly take any initiatives in improving our diet to have stronger and healthier bones. Dates are extremely beneficial for strengthening our bones and even has ability to fight bone disease like osteoporosis. As we age, it is our bones that gets weak faster and thereby, have 3 dates each day now to have healthy older age.
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5. Fulfils Body’s Iron Requirements
As more and more people are getting influenced with the western and so called modern diet, there has been a sharp rise in number of patients suffering from anemia. Since we are getting highly dependent on processed and junk foodstuffs, we are facing iron deficiency and this can be sorted out by consuming 3 dates everyday. However, continuing with the unhealthy lifestyle will definitely hit your health now or later. Better have healthy and nutritious platter with 3 dates per day.
6. Great For Heart Health
Many studies have revealed that if you consume crushed dates that have been soaked overnight, then they will be highly advantageous for your heart’s health in the long run. Dates comprise high levels of potassium, which improves the blood flow and aids in effective functioning of the heart. This nutrition rich fruit works best in reducing the level of bad cholesterols (LDL) and maintains optimum health of the arteries. Thereby, the risk of heart diseases and stroke get reduced remarkably.
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7. Reduces Allergic Reactions
According to a study conducted in the year 2002, dates contain high amounts of organic sulphur, which is a magical ingredient for treating allergic reactions. Many medical experts have revealed that after numerous studies conducted lately, it has been found that having 3 dates daily can even tackle high intensity of allergic reactions.
Always choose for fresh and juicy looking dates of high quality and keep them refrigerated. Don’t purchase heavily wrinkled and broken ones as they may have gone through some damage due to poor handling. You can even buy completely dried dates and eat them after soaking overnight. You can even boil dates in a glass of milk and consume during winters as they provide heat to your internal body. However, if you stay in areas where summers last for most of the year and the temperatures are above 35°C, then you must modify your diet to include juicy and fresh fruits and vegetables that will keep your body cool or else the dates will cause internal body heat issues.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.