15 Easy Home Remedies for Treating Dark Circles
One of the most common beauty concerns and every girl’s nightmare are dark circles under eyes. Lack of sleep, inadequate water intake, heredity, ageing, dry skin, prolonged crying, staring at computers/ tablets/ smartphones for longer duration, not consuming healthy and nutritious food, stress, pollution, etc., are some of the common causes of dark circles, which are basically discolouration of skin under the eyes. Though not a major concern, it can occur to both men and women and may make you look tired, older and insomniac too.
Since everyone aims to look pleasant and beautiful, dark circles can rob off your skin’s natural charm making your face appear extremely dull. You may try many expensive cosmetic products to treat these ugly looking dark circles, but they might not render desired results. Instead of opting for cosmetic procedures for which you will be compelled to shell out oodles of cash, try these 15 easy home remedies for treating dark circles that are safe and cheaper substitutes, which will generate amazing results:
The acidic nature of tomatoes make them extremely beneficial for retrieving skin’s lost glow and texture. Being a bleaching ingredient, tomatoes can effectively help in eliminating dark circles. Make a mixture of tomato and lemon juice and gently apply it under your eyes and allow it to dry for 10 minutes. Then wash off with cold water. Try this home remedy twice a day and see the difference. You can also consume a glass of fresh tomato juice twice each day for added benefits. Ensure that you always use cold water for rinsing your eye area as this part of your face is extremely sensitive to hot water. Washing your eye area with hot water can cause thinning of blood vessels owing to which the dark circles will look more prominent.
Almond Oil
Almond oil is one of the most ancient and effective home remedies for warding off dark circles. Regular usage of almond oil under your eyes can help in fading the dark circles quite soon. Before heading to bed, take two to three drops of almond oil in your palms and use your ring finger to dip and place the oil in the under eye area. Gently massage it without creating pressure and leave it overnight. Wash off with cold water in the morning. Ritually following this procedure each night can generate amazing results.
Rose Water
Rose has natural skin softening and astringent properties. It aids in tightening the skin under the eyes while also treating dark circles. Dip cotton balls in rose water for few minutes and dab on your eyes gently. You can also make a paste of rose petals with milk and apply under eyes. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. Repeat this procedure twice daily.
Orange Juice
This pulpy fruit stored with antioxidants and vitamin C is extremely skin friendly. Just mix some orange juice and glycerine and apply it under your eyes. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse off. You will definitely notice the instant glow.
Corn Flour
Corn flour works as deep cleanser and makes your skin appear light, smooth and supple. Mix a small spoon of corn flour and add some yoghurt to make a thick paste. Apply this paste under the eyes and relax for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
Vitamin E Capsules
Vitamin E capsules are one of the most common skin fixes these days. Just squeeze the oil from the capsule and evenly apply it on the dark circles. Regular application will surely help in fading them off faster.
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Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a one stop shop solution for all your skin needs. Gently massaging coconut oil under your eyes can speed up the removal of dark circles. Since coconut oil has deep moisturising abilities, it even treats puffy eyes, fine lines and wrinkles. Just massage some extra virgin coconut oil with your ring finger under the eyes and leave it overnight. Regularly apply this oil for a month and you will be surprised to see how beautiful your eye area looks.
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Not many people are aware that potato is vital skin cleansing and bleaching agent that lightens the skin. Therefore, potato works great for reducing dark circles and even cures puffy eyes. You just need to squeeze chilled grated potato and extract the juice. Now dip two cotton balls in the juice and place it on your closed eyes. Ensure that the cotton ball is big enough to cover your under eye section properly. Leave it for around 15 minutes and then thoroughly wash your eyes with cold water. Follow this procedure twice a day. Make sure that you never rub your eyes vigorously as it will further aggravate the issue.
Mint Leaves Paste
Mint leaves have medicinal values owing to which it helps in healing tired skin and revitalises the skin under the eyes. Apply some paste of mint leaves under your eyes and leave for 10 minutes and wash off. You can use milk to make paste of these leaves for moisturising effect.
Parijat Flowers
Not abundantly available but these night jasmine flowers are beneficial for reducing dark circles. Make a paste of parijat flowers with curd and apply it over the dark circles. Let it dry for around 10 minutes and wash with cool water.
Cold Compress
One of most widely used technique to instantly soothe stressed eyes is cold compress. It helps in constricting blood vessels under the eyes and even reduces puffiness. Soak a cloth in cold milk or chilled water. Then remove excess water or milk and place the cloth on closed eyes. Wait for around 5 to 8 minutes. Repeat this twice or thrice a day to lighten dark circles. Alternatively, you can place few ice cubes in a cloth and move it gently over you eyes for few minutes. One of the latest techniques to remove dark circles is spoon freezing. Put a spoon in freezer for 10 minutes and then place them on the eyes till it becomes normal. Follow these remedies thrice a day for better results.
Tea Bags
Loaded with caffeine and antioxidants, tea bags are extremely great for relieving stress under eyes and even eliminating those dark circles. Tannins present in tea helps in reducing swelling and discolouration. To use this tea bag technique, soak a tea bag in a small bowl of water and let it freeze. Now, place it over closed eyes and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat this twice daily for few weeks to see mesmerising results.
Cucumber is known for its cooling and skin soothing properties. It works as an excellent cleanser and toner and helps your skin rejuvenate. Cut chilled and fresh cucumber into slices and place them on your closed eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. You can even make a mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice and dip cotton balls in it. Place it on your eyes for 10 minutes and wash off with cool water. Repeat this treatment twice a day.
Turmeric Paste
Since ancient era, turmeric has been an integral part of the healing techniques in Ayurveda and due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is the first option for any skin problem. Not only does it help in brightening the skin under your eyes but also makes it smoother. Just make a thick paste of turmeric with milk and honey and apply it under your eyes. Allow it to dry for about 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Repeat this procedure thrice a week for a month.
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Lemon Juice
The acidic properties of lemon juice and the abundant vitamin C helps in effectively cleansing the skin while removing excess oil and bacteria. Soak cotton ball and squeeze it. Place it on your eyes for not more than 10 minutes and rinse with cold water. You can even make a paste of lemon juice, tomato juice, gram flour and turmeric powder and apply it under your eyes or whole face. Allow it to dry for 15 minutes and wash off.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.