Crazy and Funny Ways to Beat Your Depression
Depression and stress are totally trivial in most of our lives. Depression has become an inevitable segment of our lifestyle. We all have bad days in our lives and will have too, but no cloud is so dark that the sun can’t shine through. Well, we all have tried our best to beat our depression and stress with best ways may be more than 50 methods. But do you think, it really worked, if it worked then it’s good but just imagine, if we could beat bouts of anxiety with much funnier and crazier ways, that we have never ever tried before. Sounds interesting!! Isn’t it?
Now, have you ever experienced any crazy and wacky activity significantly lifting up your mood? Wondering right? May be yes..but long time back. Well, craziness, fun are the ultimate factors of one’s life which keeps the one lively at heart. Let me give you an amazing example. Do you have kids? If not, you must have seen your neighbour’s kids, or your cousin sister’s or brother’s kids who keep having fun all day. They have their own kind of stress like homeworks, tests, results, school issues or projects, but they don’t seem to be depressed or stressed. Why? That’s because they keep doing all the weird, crazy and funny things in their whole day which keeps them 100 miles away from stress and anxiety. Now, if you all getting my point, then let’s move on to some real and simple crazy and funny ways to beat depression.
Sleep without feeling guilty
Sleep is our body’s necessity. Have an ample amount of sleep. People get more emotional and depressed when they are tired, but getting a sound sleep can make you feel mentally strong and less prone to act stupidly. So, whenever you get some free time after all your work, daily routines, journals, hobbies jump on to your bed like kids and sleep at your best.
Stay connected with your friends
Try to be around people who always find their way to make you laugh, even when you are not willing to smile. People do the worst thing while in depression by isolating themselves from the rest of the world. If you think, you don’t have anything to give or don’t have energy to connect with your friends, that’s wrong. Reconnecting with friends can revitalize your soul making you fully charged with lots of energy.
Play loud music
Well, when you are in depression or you are upset, kindly stay away from those sad songs. That makes you more down and broken. Go for loud music like disco songs or hip hop or some funny songs, party songs, that makes you more fresh and light. Loud music feels you with new energy.
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Watch funny or action movies
I do that. And trust me, it really works. Funny movies no doubt makes you laugh, no matter how much hard you try not to laugh, the entire 90 minutes of a movie will make you laugh badly at least once. Action movies feel you with energy and excitement and lowers your depression level significantly.
Watch Porn Movies
Hey, anything for a good health and sleep. Watching porn movies, transform your upsetting mood to somewhat lustful and seducing one. This can also help you to get a good and sound sleep. So, don’t feel bad or shy to watch porn movies.
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Culture your Creativity
Creativity can be anything, like writing, painting, origami or gardening. Whatever makes you feel new, light, fresh, happy and energetic, just do it. If you love dancing, tune in to your best track and start shaking your legs and body. If you love singing, you can sing too. Well, I love to dance and dancing makes me to happy and fight my depression.
Make weird faces
Forget about all your tensions, anxiety, stress and just watch yourself standing in front of a mirror and start making all weirdest faces you can or you know. You can take your weird selfie too. This makes you laugh and feel relaxing. However, it’s not possible to get into sudden relaxing phase, while fighting depression at early stage. But you can try this, at the last stages of your depression and it’s going to definitely work for you.
Watch your subscribed videos on Youtube
I am sure most of us are familiar about Youtube. Whenever you feel low or depressed, just click on to your subscribed videos on Youtube, that not only refresh you or reboot you but also distracts your mind towards some more interesting things, videos or facts which are still lying in this world and you need to know them.
So, guys forget about your past, let your depression and anxiety go with the wind. We have got one life, and it is way too short to waste it for some unworthy matters, issues and tears. Enjoy it to its fullest and stay healthy and happy.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.