5 Common Myths About Colleges & Universities
Movies about college can be deceptive. One sided stories by alumni or third parties are even worse when describing life in college. Each student experiences college or university in a unique way. This has led to numerous myths that appear to generalize the nature of life in college.
The course you are taking and your lifestyle choices will also influence your experience. Going to college with the mentality created by these myths will result in disappointment or failure to take advantage of opportunities.
Here are common myths about colleges and universities that are very far from the truth.
1. College is an unending party
College probably takes you away from parents for the first time in your life. Classes take a few hours a day, leaving you with a lot of free time. It is your use of the free time that will define your college experience. You can hire a thesis geek at https://thesisgeek.com/master.php and use your time to party, travel, take a part-time job, or start a business.
Time management is one of the most important determinants of your college experience. Use your time to write essays, revise for exams, and network. Plan for parties like you would plan for many other activities in college. Join friends for parties over weekends and holidays. It helps you to relax and rejuvenate the mind in readiness for future engagements.
Party lovers have numerous options that would still enable them to perform well in class. Use technology to follow or record lectures when you are away. You can revisit the lectures once you return, making it to appear as though you attended. Stream the class from your location to avoid missing any session. Use homework apps and writing services to cover for the time you might be away from school.
2. Freshman year does not count
It appears like the year is meant to go to waste. However, students who achieve their potential know how best to utilize their time from the first day. The year comes with little material to study. You are, therefore, likely to find a lot of free time. Many students think of classes at second year or third year. Other start planning their career paths in the final year.
Freshman year will lay the foundation for your college experience and spill over to your career success. Use the free time to attend networking events. You may also start a project like blogging or learn skills online. The same may apply to the beginning of each semester. Spend the time growing your skills before the semester gets busy. Once the semester gets old or you advance in the years, you will have set the ball rolling and can spend more time revising.
3. En suite rooms are better than dorms
Colleges offer two residential options. You may live on campus or outside campus. Living on campus comes with restrictions because these are shared spaces. The rules determine when you come in and leave, what you can do, and the people who share the space. It appears intrusive for students who love privacy. However, it is one of the best experiences you will get at that age.
Dorms offer communal life. You share food, freedom, and space. Stories have not boundaries, making every moment fun. It is easier to make new friends when living in dorms than in en-suite apartments. The bonds grow stronger.
4. The smartest will get top jobs
The smartest kids in high school end up in the best colleges and universities. However, the formula changes. College is a place to learn skills and prepare for your career. Once you meet the basic academic requirements, it is your networking and exposure that will determine career progression. While you work on your grades, attend exhibitions, fairs, and symposiums. You build a network that will determine your career progression after graduation.
5. Everyone is having sex
Well, everyone is an adult and has the all the freedom. However, it is upon you to choose your engagements. Responsible sexual behavior and social life will later affect your life. Make the best choices that can safeguard your future.
The best college experience is the one you create. Set priorities and work towards your goals. Enjoy the experience but remember that every choice will have a consequence at some point in life.
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