7 Most Common Fights Between Every Married Couples
This post was last updated on May 4th, 2024

I believe, fights are good for every marriage relationships. Like, good can’t ever be valued without bad, similarly, love can’t be valued without fights. Fights and differences create more love in a relationship, but hey, that doesn’t imply, you would be intentionally jumping into brawls with your spouse. Fights and arguments are the most inevitable factors of any kind of relationship. They are tough to avert, however, they could be made quite easier to deal with. Most couples fight over some very typical and familiar reasons and end up terribly.
Let’s have a look.
1. Money
Money is most vital requirement of life. It reflects personal values around lifestyle, security, freedom and generosity. If you both have different ways and values of spending money, then without any explicit discussion and intercession, it can lead you to a disastrous fight, over and over again. Best way to deal with this is have a good and calm talk over, how you feel about money or not having money or what troubles you regarding money issue. Sharing each other’s view can help you a lot.
Related: 10 Money Handling Ways of Happy Couples
2. Sex
As we all know, sex is a need of a human body like food and oxygen. And good sex life, with your spouse enhances and boosts relationship. But, longer the couples are together, greater their sex life suffers, which leads to unwanted brawls. Talking and discussing about your sexual desires and needs, makes feel shy and embarrassed but, that is the only way to sort it out and have a fight free life.
- Why You Need To Have Sex With Your Partner Everyday?
- Avoiding Poor Bedroom Habits To Enhance Sex Life For Married Couples
- Guide For Enhancing Sexual Stamina All Naturally
3. Housework
Most of the couples have arguments, over this very common matter. Usually, women put all their efforts in housework, all day and men just laze around. Guys, get up and assist them a little, if you want to avoid bad fights.
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4. Wet Towel on Bed
I too wonder. Putting wet towels on bed or sofas, well that is a real irritating situation. What makes them do this? If you guys don’t want fights before you leave home for your work, stop putting your wet towels on bed.
5. Clipping Toenails
Eewww!! That’s really unhygienic. Clipping toenails and leaving them laying around your sofa and couch, it’s a serious call for a brawl. This unhygienic and bad habit of men is obvious for a fight. If that makes you annoy with your men, then do talk to them, why it annoys you? If that doesn’t work even, leave your clipped toenails on their working desk! That might work!
6. Ex-boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses
I think all fights that every couples have in their lifetime, involves the “EX” at some point, if you are still in touch with your ex, be it emotionally or socially. It doesn’t matters really, if you are in love with your spouse. Go ahead, clear the air and their insecurity. Make them believe that you love them and they are your first priority.
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7. Children
The arguments and disputes list about children factor is a never ending list. Couples fight, whether they need kids or not, once they have kids, they fight for how to raise them, what should they eat, length of their kid’s hair, with whom they should hang around, how much time they should spend in sports and studies and so on.. The best way is communicating and discussing each other views and opinions and find out what’s best comparing their views, talking to experienced persons and deciding mutually.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.