10 Checkpoints Before You Get Into A Live In Relationship
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
The culture of live in relationship is getting contagious and more and more couples are opting for staying together before they decide to get married. When you are in love and you really are serious about your relationship, then you are bound to take decisions that bring you closer to your partner. You tend to be hasty due to the enthusiasm of living in together that you forget to follow the pre-requisites.
You might be so much in love that you consider entering into a live in relationship is as easy and as romantic as shown in movies. But life isn’t cake walk and relationships must be nurtured well if you are truly dedicated to maintain them. You need to have a comprehensive discussion about everything, from money to responsibility sharing and from spending time together to avoiding quarrels. If you already have discussed about everything and you are well planned to move together, then give it a second thought.
You must first gauge your level of compatibility because initially you may have difference of opinions or you may find the other person as dominating your relationship. In such a case, you need to take time first to know each other well and only after that you must get into a live in relationship as immense love and trust are the mantra for keeping your love life ignited. So the best idea to implement before you enter into a live in relationship is that, you must initiate a trial run first. In this way, you will not only know more about your partner but also you will be able to know how well you can adjust with your would be spouse. To know the areas where you can start embarking on a new and loving journey together, you must read these 10 checkpoints before you get into a live in relationship:
Invite Your Partner For A Family Dinner
Before you move in with your partner, you must understand about his behaviour with you and towards people who hold much importance in your life. To know what your partner thinks about your family or how your family finds him, you must invite him/ her for having a dinner with your family. In the process of your partner’s interaction with your family, you will get to know what your partner tries his/ her best to get involved with your family and how serious he/ she is for living a life with you.
Announce A Cleaning Spree
Pick a random day and just call up your partner and invite them for helping you in getting the house and junk yard cleaned. You get a chance to see how your partner deals with the household chores and if you see him/ her finding a place to sit and sneak away from doing some work, then you need to re-think your decision of living in together.
Stay Together For A Week
Just before you jump onto the decision of living in together, you need to get a trial run for a complete week. You must not take trial for less than a week’s time or else the change of behaviour after settling down will make you repent. Just move into the house where you plan to live in with your belongings for a week and then try your best to act as original as possible and keep your eyes open to notice your partner’s habits. In case, you find some of their habits objectionable, then have a good discussion about it.
Plan An Outing With Your Partner’s Friends
Another way to know how much your partner will care for you when you live in together is by knowing how much time he/ she spends with you while being with their friends. Go on for a small outing and observe your partner’s behaviour towards you and his/ her friends. You need to take a note of how much importance, respect and care, he/ she showcases in front of your friends.
Plan A Vacation
A vacation is one of the greatest ideas to know the situation handling techniques of your partner and how well he/ she can adjust with you while on the go. While planning a vacation, don’t go for the leisurely honeymoon kind of package. Instead plan for a budget vacation with mediocre facilities so that you both get to know much patience and endurance level you both will have while staying in simple manner.
Promise To Pay For Expenses & Then Ditch At The Last Moment!
You will be astonished to read this but this is true! Whenever you plan your purchases for the week or month, then you must initially promise to pay for the expenses. But refuse to pay at the last moment citing some excuse. You will then get to know what their reaction is and this reaction will guide you in deciding whether to live in together or not. But don’t always ditch while you are supposed to pay for the expenses. Don’t ever let money matters affect your relationship.
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Invite Friends For A House Party
Another interesting way to know whether you both can gel with each other’s friends is by inviting friends from both sides to a house party. By arranging a house party, you both get to spend time in arranging the supplies, cooking and serving together and finally cleaning up the mess together. This whole experience will give you both an idea of how well you both can live together.
Pull Pranks On Your Partner
You need to get naughty with your partner occasionally to know their original nature. Tell them that you need your own space and that you want to go for shopping or for a movie with your friends while cancelling your weekend plans. See their reaction to it and if they get aggressive or enter into an argument, then it is time to re-consider your plans.
Get Your Partner Out Of Comfort Zone
The most important factor while staying as live in partners is that you need to be flexible and you also need to convince your partner to be adaptable. If your partner is a person who is less social or likes to spend time watching television, then you need to bring them in a completely social ambience and give them some work or tell them to go on a walk with you before they switch on the television. This will let you know how their reaction will be when you put them in uncomfortable situations.
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Make A Combined List Of Rules In Advance
This is an important point which you both should not miss. Before you let the excitement of moving in together reach heights, just hold the butterflies in the stomach and think logically about your pattern of living. You both may have a different upbringing with different style of living. Your habits and traits will also be different. You might not like if your partner comes home after getting drunk or you may not like your partner’s obsession for cleanliness. So better avoid these arguments, by preparing a list of rules together so that all difference of opinions can be sorted. Make sure that you also list down the punishments for disobeying the rules.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.