Carry No Baggage Of The Past And Move On To The Future
While everyone has a different story, you can get rid of the things that are restraining you. Although at times slight endeavors may be needed to reach the position from where you can completely analyze your future, still it is all right as by expanding your wings to utilize the chances dreamt of by you, guides your struggles in the right direction.
1. Recognize your problems
If you are embroiled in the past & coping to make headway, you can become extremely anxious and repeat your mistakes. This type of processing takes a lot to tackle, rather on a better day when you are free, sit down over a tea mug or your preferred music or journal.
It is absolutely vital part of releasing your past and even while extremely busy, you must find time to spend on yourself. Take notes or if you like talking more keep a loud recording of all that is troubling you – from your slightest folly to your biggest blunder.
After you’ve noted or talked over everything keep it aside for a few days. Once you feel relaxed, go through your recording – map out your core concerns which engross you currently and those which are less important. Realizing your fighting points eases the battle.
2. Try out the possible solutions
When you’ve identified your past issues, its solution also appears imminent. If you fear that an offensive message sent abruptly may have terminated a friendship, take the first step of extending your hand by apologizing. These actions will be more comforting than letting a past error continue to affect your future.
3. Release the situation when there is no solution in sight
There may be occasions when dwelling in the past may seem good like your love for your partner who deserted you 5 years back may still exist, but when they’ve progressed you also need to. You should realize that past doesn’t come back and can’t be re-created.
Human psychology tends to glorify the past and keep remembering it. Though happy memories are vital, you can’t endanger your present life by reliving the past. You may be obsessed with your past memories, but keep in mind that you can rediscover happiness and love and achieve success once more.
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4. Forgive your offenders
People utter cruel words, while their acts may be far worse. It is terrible to forget the injuries caused by our loved ones. Even after hearing ‘sorry’ innumerable times, it can appear impossible to let go and forget.
However, forgetting is not compulsory and you don’t need to wipe out the past, but only to free yourself of its grip. Though this is difficult, yet it will give a welcome thrust to your life – you don’t have to carry forward the discontent and hatred of your past actions.
Pardon your offender, recount their actions so that you can stay away from similar experiences in future, and discharge your entire bitterness and rage. If you really desire to bury these past people, you have to discard your sentiments regarding them behind also.
5. Forgive yourself
Although it may be hard to forgive others, forgiving yourself may be still more difficult. Reality is that the mistakes which you are continuing with have already occurred and the individual responsible for it is non-existent. You have now evolved into a completely different person who you need to understand and possess confidence in your present self.
To acquire belief in your own personality you have to forgive the person you were in the past. Your present is the result of your past which has turned you strong enough to face future events. So you should thank your former self and pardon their mistakes as you have gained from those incidents and emerged stronger. You cannot obtain peace by disliking yourself.
6. Dream about forthcoming events
Once you’ve done a few things to let go of your past, get ready to face the future. When the past is absent from your daily thoughts, you may feel defeated and get tempted to revert to the past. You must have other things to concentrate on in order to avoid this.
Think about your favorite desires. You life may have new relationships to which you can devote more energy at present. Or you may have a dream which always fascinated you, but about which you are uncertain. Imagine that you’re a kid again and your life is free from restrictions, think about the tasks you desire to achieve. Enjoy this step by beginning vision board or bucket menu and anything which motivates you to get thrilled over the future.
7. Spread your wings
You are now ready to move forward and there are endless possibilities for your life as you have assumed control. Your future no longer depends on your past and you have elevated yourself above it. Run after your dreams to shape your life as you wish without being bothered by past people or events. You are now ready to embark upon the adventure of life.
Being tied up with past errors and allowing them to determine your future is easy, but it’s only a choice and not responsibility. Once you abandon your past you’ll witness a future which can surpass your imagination.
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Sujata Sanyal
Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?