How to Boost Up Positive Self Talk to Wane Negativity?
Source: pop weight loss
It’s totally normal if you engage yourself in self-talk. Self-talk is somewhat your inner voice. It’s like a movie playing on your mind without audio system. However, self talks are categorized into positive and negative thoughts. Self talk is often inclined towards negativity, as we human have a normal tendency of interpreting things on negative spectrum. Alright, all of us have problems and issues in our lives and that’s inevitable. We can’t get rid of bad days, bad experiences, sorrows, fears or something negative things in our life, however, our lives have also experienced some good days, good experiences and happiness. But, we people only focus on negative ideas and thoughts ignoring the positive ones. If you can’t laugh repeatedly over one joke, then why are you getting hurt repeatedly by same sadness and negative thoughts?
Self talk is very essential for our mind, like food for our body. Self talk not only empowers and encourages you but also boost your personal growth. But, self talk should be skewed towards positivity. Many of us, have surely heard about those two common stress and tension reliever words often advised by our parents and friends that is “Be Positive”, however, many of us just let those words get into our ears only not our mind. My mind too dwells on negative thoughts and it’s truly tough to divert or convert to positivity, but it’s never impossible. It simply needs some time and effort. Negative thoughts doesn’t let the positive ray of hope to grow in our mind, because it’s like a small imagery ball rolling all over our brain and get larger and more larger as it keeps rolling all time. Here are some tips and tricks to boost up your positive self talks which will surely fade your negative thoughts.
1. Observe and Assess what you’re saying to yourself
Negative thoughts are no doubt more powerful and get us limited and confined. Observe what triggers your negative thoughts. Try to find out the reasons what are causing more negative thoughts so that you could have better control over your negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are limitless if you don’t control your negativity, then your negative thoughts will start controlling you, leading you to worst depression, anxiety, stress and mental pressure.
2. Reframe your negative thoughts to positive ones
Yeah, it’s not easy, but as I said, it’s not impossible too. If you have a long history of negative thoughts like, you are always dealing with depression, and troubles and being the victim of anxiety always over long years, then it might take some time. Stop saying those demoralising and de-motivating words such, “I am a stupid…”, “It always happens with me..”, “I can’t ever…” “I am a loser…” as these words leads you to self destruction increasing your stress and depression level to much extent. Rather try to use positive words like “Yes I will..”, “It’s tough but not impossible..”, “I can do it..” as these words will help you to build up your confidence and potential. Make it a practice as it will become your habit.
3. Try not to tell yourself those most destructive things
When, I was dealing with my depression, the worst thing I have ever done to myself is chattering those ultra destructive things which over-clouded my negative thoughts leading me to live in a negative consequential world where I was seeing myself at the edge of sadness, depression even at the end of life. “I am so stupid…I can’t do anything better..”, “I am afraid, embarrassed of myself..”, “why does this always happen to me?”, “I will never forgive that person for doing this..”. These lines more likely make you weak, scared, shamed, jealous and revengeful. Positive thoughts emerge from positive acts like being confident, fearless, content and merciful.
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4. Be strong and confront your fears
Fear is something that holds us back to do something. Hence, you get scared of taking chances, as you feel like losing the security that you have got in your present. You may think, that your present situation is good enough, which you lie to yourself, thinking it’s a positive thought, but actually you are short changing yourself. Stop doing this, if you want to change your situation, then, stop doing what you have ever done so far, or else you will get what you have got so far. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? What can be the much worse that can happen? What are the ultimate worse consequences? Are they really worse, as you think it would be? Take step by step approach to break your fears, then you will find that the worst situation is not that bad, what you had thought of.
5. Take effective actions to reform your present
Well, none of us have any control over our future. So, thinking all worse like “what if this happens…”, “what if that happens…”, “if that happens, I will do this…” all these have their existence in your self-made imagery future world. So, it’s better to take some effective actions to reform or rectify your present that might change or alter your future. We can’t manage future, as we have not seen it yet, rather manage our present which can build a better tomorrow for us.
Replacing your negative thoughts with positive thoughts is not going to happen overnight. If your mind has infused the grains of negativity from a very long time, then it will surely take some time. Don’t over indulge yourself in your imagery negative thoughts, remember they are only our thoughts, they have got no existence in your life, Future is yet to come, make your present a better and bright one that might help you to reform your tomorrow. Don’t underestimate yourself, rather culture your potential, your confidence and your capabilities, that will lead you to positive thoughts.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.