6 Best Foods That Help You To Boosts Your Testosterone Levels
This post was last updated on May 3rd, 2024
Wouldn’t it be fabulous to kick off every single day with a solid boost to your testosterone?
Not only this would help you to exercise more effectively but also would keep you burning with energy throughout the day, ready to dominate any goals that may arise in your way.
If this sound likes something you’d like to have in your life, I have some good news for you: such a thing is absolutely possible and easily achievable for any man without taking any drugs or steroids whatsoever.
All it takes is a quality breakfast consisting of the right foods, and today we’re going to reveal specific groceries for you to stack on.
Get ready for a few surprises, and let’s start right away. 🙂
1: Coffee
Yep, you’ve read that right: coffee can be considered a mild testosterone booster, and here’s why. Back in 2015, a study revealed that taking about 2 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight one hour before resistance training significantly boosts testosterone levels during and after the workout. If you’re wondering how much coffee that actually is, just remembered that one ounce (30 ml) of espresso packs up some 65 mg of caffeine. So, if you’re a 150 lb (70 kg) male, you’ll need about 2 pure espressos (or one doppio) an hour before visiting the gym. That’s why coffee is one of the best breakfast drinks for those folks who exercise in the mornings!
And hey, coffee is also what gets us all pumped and going with energy, isn’t it? 🙂
2: Whole Eggs
Now, I know that there are a lot of healthy-living aficionados that are really paranoid about their eggs: they throw out the yolks and take just the whites as a source of proteins. They fear cholesterol and arterial plaque and that’s understandable. However, testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol like all other steroid hormones in your body, so you actually need a healthy amount of this fat in your diet. Taking into account that egg yolks are also a fabulous source of such vitamins as K2, A, E, and D – eating a few whole eggs for breakfast is really one of the best options to go with.
Last but not least, whole eggs are a fabulous way to incorporate. Also some other testosterone-boosters that boost testosteron. For example, just imagine an omelet with…
3: Spinach
Popeye the sailor was actually right when eating all that spinach before fighting off the bad dudes. This fabulous food is incredibly rich in magnesium, a mineral that is a scientifically confirmed testosterone booster. Moreover, it can also pump up the bioactivity of the testosterone you already have in your body, making this micronutrient a terrific double-action hack suitable for any man.
Spinach, like all other leafy greens, is also a great source of antioxidants and fibers, helping you to keep hunger at bay for hours on end without having to resort for unhealthy snacks between meals.
4: Salmon
Bacon and eggs is one of the most loved breakfasts in a great part of the world. If you want to boost your testosterone, however, we recommend switching the bacon for a good salmon steak.
Granted, it will most likely end up being more expensive than bacon, but the health benefits you’ll get from it are totally worth the investment. For instance, salmon is extremely rich in healthy fats (the famous omegas) and vitamin D3, which is another well-known and scientifically confirmed testosterone booster. Just imagine this: studies indicate that supplementation with vitamin D3 could boost your testosterone by whole 21%! Coupled with the other breakfast foods featured in this article, the overall impact on your T could even be greater than this.
5: Avocados
There are two main reasons why avocados are mentioned in this fabulous list of testosterone-boosting breakfast foods. First, it packs a really nice dose of magnesium. Yeah, I know we had this one in spinach already, but you can’t really have “too much” of the stuff (unless you eat really big bowls of spinach every day), and avocados are also rich in beneficial monounsaturated fats, vitamins, and fibers.
The second reason is that avocados are incredibly versatile in terms of how you can eat them. For example, a really ripe avocado is SO soft that you can use it as a healthy substitute for butter. If your fruit is a bit more firm than this, just slice it and put over your salmon or eggs: believe me, this combination is absolutely delicious.
6: Ginseng
We’ve left a really curious food for last to wrap everything up. Ginseng root has been used for ages as an adaptogen, meaning that it can help you to better cope with stress and effectively adapt to life’s ever-changing circumstances. Stress leads to an elevation in cortisol levels, and this hormone is known for its detrimental action on testosterone.
Actually, maybe that’s the primary mechanism of how ginseng boosts testosterone levels. The reason why it’s featured on this list, however, is that this food also does a great job in combating psychological fatigue, allowing you to feel more energized and vibrant throughout the day.
Our favorite way to have ginseng for breakfast is to either make a tea out of it (chop finely, pour with some boiling water) or eat it raw with a bit of sugar. The perfect dessert to wrap up a testosterone-boosting breakfast!
Your breakfast is, perhaps, the most important meal of your day: it can either propel you to success or doom you to a miserable existence for the next 16 hours before you go to sleep.
This counts for testosterone as well, so make sure to include a few T-boosting foods into your morning feast. Our favorite (and scientifically backed) options are coffee, spinach, whole eggs, avocados, salmon, and ginseng root.
However, don’t forget that there’s an even easier alternative: just pick a natural testosterone supplement and take it along your usual breakfast without any dietary changes whatsoever! We’ve gathered dozens of honest reviews on all sorts of testosterone boosting supplements for you to choose from, so make sure to take a look at our favorite picks: TestoGen, TestoFuel, and Prime Male. While other boosters may show similar results, the three above mentioned supplements are the ones we trust most.
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