In this online world, everything can be looked for with pinpoint accuracy with excellent results. Entertaining the audience, in general, has been the focus of many entertainment-based modules, here’s the thing though, not a lot of them actually boast the same power as some of the conventional methods that are still in existence today. And not just plain-old existence, proper usage as well. According to Betway, Board games have seen a sudden surge in popularity as of March 2020, with nearly 260,000 searches being done on Google alone. It clearly shows the fact that people have been looking for some classic entertainment that involves skill utilization as well.

Playing it with ease: Classic board games for wholesome entertainment
For the most part, a board game is simply a medium that provides a sandbox to multiple players, in reality, to perform a task with varying difficulties as well as success rates. These games have been around people for a long time and do not plan on leaving their conscious minds anytime soon. They have seen a sudden resurgence in their popularity as well. While some games have garnered their cult status already, some unconventional ones have also taken center stage as well.
Board games are enjoyed by everyone; there’s no denying that fact. Family members, friends, etc. come together to have a good time while involving themselves in a playful yet skill-based activity. Over the past few months, the increase in board game popularity has resulted in many people actually sharing their experiences with those who have never played them before, and it’s helping the board game community grow. Here are a few popular choices for board games that shouldn’t be missed under any circumstances.
This is one such title that has been around for a long time, from TV commercials to actual popularity via recommendations; Monopoly is considered to be a great board game for business tactics and money management. Its popularity can be seen in a number of nations spanning across different continents such as China, Russia, Mongolia, Iran, Libya, etc. The gameplay involves a number of participants of any age group. Amidst the current global lockdown state, it has once again found its niche among family members.
Ludo has been the go-to game for many people in Asia, especially in India and Pakistan. The pandemic has caused people to stay indoors for the most part, and this has resulted in an astonishing 400% increase in the popularity of ludo. The third most popular board game of all time, Ludo calls for a strategic movement of players throughout the course while dodging and eliminating the opposition in the process. Its origin can be traced to ancient India, where it was better known as Pachisi.
This board game has seen a spike in popularity over the recent months globally. For the most part, French-speaking nations have been the most active players in this game. Over the years, the championships have also seen winners from 7 different countries; it proves the global popularity of the game in general.
A game that involves the journey of a person from birth to graduation, and all the way to retirement, the Game of life is an exciting game that has been a favorite pick of countless families across the globe. Even as of now, it still is a popular one, as 40,500 searches have been from the U.S. alone.