6 Amazing Benefits Of Yoga On Your Skin
This post was last updated on July 11th, 2023
Yoga is one of the most ancient methods that is aimed at keeping you physically and mentally fit. Lately, it has gained popularity across the globe and has been one of the most preferred methods of working out. People of all age groups can keep their fitness levels maintained by performing various kinds of yoga postures.
But have you ever known that apart from benefiting your body, yoga also helps in beautifying your skin? If you have the perception that yoga is just a composition of various postures, which enhances your physical fitness, then you need to correct yourself. You may have been dependent on the cosmetic beauty products to get a flawless and glowing skin, but no its time that you give yoga, a chance to prove itself. You will surely not find anything as natural as yoga for keeping your skin in best condition.
Yoga helps in detoxifying your body and helps in bringing back life to dull skin through proper blood circulation, elimination of stress, proper breathing procedures and ensuring effective functioning of the internal systems. Before you jump onto chemical induced beauty products for rectifying your skin’s flaws, you must bring yoga in your habit and must ensure that you always opt for natural solutions. To know how yoga can do wonders on your skin, you must read these 6 amazing benefits of yoga on your skin:
Tightening Muscles
Yoga asanas such as Dhanurasana, Sasangasana, Matysasana and Anahatasana are best stretching poses that helps in toning your body by tightening your muscles. The loose skin on the body and face are easily uplifted with these simple yoga asanas. The face around the skin and neck tends to lose elasticity over the time. You can easily tone up the skin and prevent wrinkles from appearing on the skin if you bring yoga to your routine.
Managing Stress Levels
Stress is the emerging as the major cause for skin problems lately. As life is getting busier, we are getting more and more involved in multiple activities that is accumulating stress in our mind and body. For relieving this stress, we must perform one of the most difficult but more attention seeking yoga postures called Shavasana, Pranayama and Shirshasana. You need to keep your mind focused into your internal body system through proper breathing so that you disconnect yourself from the world for a while and settle the whirlpool of thoughts in your mind.
Yoga gurus and sages since ancient times have referred the asana Kapalbhati as sanjeevani medicine, which is capable of curing many diseases. If you perform Kapalbhati as per instructions, then your body will start getting relieved from the stored toxins and you will feel refreshed. Similarly, if you perform Pranayama everyday, your breathing procedure will get renewed and you will gradually flaunt a luminous glow on your skin.
Blood Circulation
The best yoga asana for ensuring optimum blood circulation in the body is Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation. It is a complete circuit of 12 postures that works excellently on the body and it is highly effective when performed early in the morning in an open area. You need to have a good practise of Surya Namaskar to prowess in the art of performing it and must concentrate on breathing in the correct manner so that each posture gives the desired effect. It leaves a rejuvenating effect on your body while filtering the impurities from the body. The Surya Namaskar has been designed to involve every body part in the 12 posture activity and thereby, you can improve the circulation of blood throughout the body.
Cures Acne
You may suffer from acne due to hormonal imbalances in the body that diverts away blood from the digestive system and the skin. If you regularly perform Surya Namaskar, Cobra Pose and Sarvangasana, then your body will automatically have control over the adrenaline rush and with proper breathing, you can ensure that blood reaches to all parts of the body equally. This in turn, will help in controlling acne breakouts.
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Treats Dark Circles
Even with a good skin and great make up, you can look dull if you suffer from dark circles. Lack of sleep, ill health, stress, lack of proper blood circulation on the face, etc can be some of the reasons for under eye circles. Instead of trying cosmetic procedures to rectify dark circles, try yoga asanas such as Hastapadotasana, Viparitakarani, Matsyasana and Surya Namaskar. All these yoga asanas direct the blood flow in all parts of the body and it also helps you feel relaxed and stress free while making sure that you enjoy a sound sleep at night.]
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.