Benefits of Crying: 9 Reasons That Make Crying a Good Idea
This post was last updated on November 2nd, 2018
Crying is natural and universal. Not only humans but also animals shed tears. Then, why an outcry is raised when people cry? Why crying, is considered a weak streak? Pure misconception! That is what you will say after we uncover the benefits of crying for you. Rather, crying is good and instead of a sign of weakness, you need courage to confront your difficulties and cry out. Doctors advise people undergoing depression and stress conditions to share their load with their near ones and cry on their shoulders as crying and sharing releases tension.
Moreover, when you open up your emotions and cry in front of someone you confide your vulnerability and inner feelings, which brings you both closer to each other. If someone does not like you crying, it means that person does not care enough for you, which can be a good revelation.
Here are the 9 reasons that prove why crying beneficial:
1. Reduces Stress
One of the obvious and the main benefits of crying is that it contributes in lowering your stress level. Recently a fascinating study was conducted in Minnesota’s St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Centre by a renowned biochemist. The study concluded that the tears that are shed when you are in an emotional distress have different chemical composition than those, which come out as a part of physiological reflex.
That is why, whenever you cry your heart out, be it because of a breakup or losing someone precious, you feel relaxed as you produce something that is different from the regular stream of tears that come out when you cut an onion.
According to the biochemists, when you cry out of distress, you get rid of adrenocorticotropic hormone, which is a stress-related chemical. That is why; crying makes, you feel better, less tense and upset. Another finding says that your respiration rate, as well as heart rate, slows down after you cry indicating reduction in physiological stress.
2. Eliminates Bacteria
This piece of information is an insight for those who consider crying is for the weak. Tears contain a fluid called lysozyme with a capacity to kill around 95 percent of bacterial germs in just five minutes. It means when you cry, your tears release this germ killing fluid that you pick up while shopping on carts, public sinks, community computers and more such areas. These germs tag along with you, enter your homes, and procreate causing health problems.
Although it certainly does not mean that you should cry every time when you are coming back home, but one thing is for sure that crying can do you more good than harm.
3. Lubricates Eyes
Here is news. Tears are meant to help us see well. Really! Tears lubricate the eyelids and the eyeballs and prevent dehydration of the mucous membranes of the eyes. According to eye specialist Bergman, in the absence of lubrication, you lose your ability to see. That is why; eye experts say that without tears, it would be uncomfortable for the humans continue seeing and the eyesight can be blocked completely.
So, thanks to tears, humans can see clearly!
4. Crying Brings Closer
It is very difficult to show your inner side and emotions to another person. But opening your heart to someone helps you bring closer to him and deepen the bond. It is a common experience that when someone cries you feel empathy towards him and want to help the person and alleviate his distress.
So, when you show your tender side with your closest friend you are more likely to feel closer to that person. Moreover, display of compassion and support helps to build up a bond of trust between you two and in case of a couple; it can prove to be a landmark moment for deepening emotional intimacy level.
Friends turned off by your emotional display of tears is a warning sign indicating that they might not be supportive when you need them the most.
5. Promotes Production of Endorphin
Endorphin is the feel good chemical that is released when you exercise. That is why; it is also termed as a mood booster. However, a recent study has found out that even crying stimulates the release of endorphin. No doubt, you feel light and good after a nice cry. Tears are hence considered a natural painkiller.
What does it means? It means that one of the benefits of crying is that it can help soothe the common pains and aches that are caused due to emotional distress such as tension headaches and stiff shoulders. Endorphins also have a slight sedative effect. Have you seen babies go into a deep slumber when they cry for a long time? Crying thus, is helpful in inducing restful sleep.
6. Lowers Illness Risks
Tears help to eliminate adrenocorticotropic hormone, which reduces your stress level. Simultaneously, it leads to a reduction in the production of excessive cortisol, which is produced when the adrencorticotropic hormone level is high in the body. The cortisol is related to different kind of health problems, including weight gain, heart disease and mental problems such as depression.
So, if you cry when the situation of life is not in your favor, you are unknowingly protecting your body from the onset of several diseases and increasing your lifespan.
7. Removes Toxins
According to William Frey, a biochemist researching on tears and its effects for long, tears formed due to grief and distress help release toxins of the body as byproducts. It is a known fact that when you peel onions, tears of irritation come out. But the tears that come out due to emotional breakdown remove toxins from the body that build up inside due to stress. They work like a massage session or a natural therapy that do not cost a penny.
8. Makes Emotional Confrontations Easy
Some moments in life are so painful that you dread to confront them. The crying helps to release some of your tension and makes emotional confrontation easier. Although, it can agonize you at times, but mentally you would be in a better condition unless you want to continue suppressing your emotions and develop toxicity in your body.
University of Florida researchers has suggested that crying is especially helpful and even expressive for those who cannot emote or express their problems in words properly. The outpour of tears does not require any language to convey the depth of pain.
9. Makes you Positive
Every average Joe goes through some sort of trauma and conflicts every day. When, such small resentments develop within you, negativity and toxicity accumulate inside you. It can affect your approach towards life and lower confidence.
When you cry, you feel released. Crying is cathartic and lets the negative devils come out that wreak havoc with your brain and emotions causing disruption in the working of cardiovascular and nervous systems. That is why, experts support crying and believe that you must cry, feel the storm that it causes the release it offers and helps you become a stress-free individual.
So the next time you feel like crying, do not stop yourself. Remember these benefits of crying and start the outpour.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.