Benefits of Masturbation for Women
This post was last updated on September 22nd, 2018
Hello beautiful ladies! No, no beauty tips anymore this time. Let’s be bold and talk about the most hush-hush topic, the masturbation. Well, to be very frank we all women masturbate and there’s nothing to feel bad about it. The most crucial reason behind masturbating more often especially for women is keeping ourselves sexually active. Is that it? If you masturbate for this reason only, you definitely need to read this article to its end. We all get sexual desires and to satisfy it we go for masturbate because sex is not always possible for us. Like sex, masturbation too has loads of benefits especially when we talk about our sweet and sexy ladies. You don’t have to think twice or feel guilty for having masturbation. Why? Let’s have a brief look on the benefits of masturbation for women.
1. Reduces stress
Masturbation is not only ah!-mazing but also stress relieving. Stress makes you emotionally and physically unstable and disturbed. But masturbation can reduce stress up to 75% giving you a satisfying and peaceful feeling. It not only reduces stress but also uplifts your mood making you happy and energized.
2. Relieves menstrual cramps
Every woman hates menstrual cramps. Me too! But regular masturbating like 3-5 times a week can help you to soothe your menstrual cramps by giving you maximum relief. According to the researches on sex life, sex and masturbation before 7 days of menstrual period can reduce the cramps up to 60%.
3. Makes you feel confident
There is nothing bad about masturbating and it never makes you less as a person. Neither, it brings any change in your personality nor nature. But, masturbation gives you awareness about your body and makes you fall in love with your own body. You start feeling more sexier and confident about your body and skin.
4. Prevent cervical infections
It is widely accepted and believed that masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men. Now it is proven that regular masturbation keeps your vagina and cervix healthy by reducing the risk of cervical cancer and infection that is because the muscular function during masturbation called tenting open up the cervix and stretches and pulls cervical mucus which is highly acidic due to the presence of friendly bacteria in it. This mucus fluid transits from cervix to vagina by lubricating it by eliminating the unfriendly bacteria and organisms that causes cervical infection leading to cancer.
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5. Improves vaginal health
Masturbation makes and keeps your vagina perky and healthy b y increasing the strength of pelvic muscles on pelvic floor preparing it for child birth. The kegel exercise that keeps the pelvic muscles strong in both men and women can now be easily done by masturbating. Isn’t it a good news?
6. Gives you restful sleep
Female masturbating takes real effort and time as compared to men. But the orgasm brings you satisfaction by relieving stress and anxiety. It also makes you feel good and happy due to release of plenty of dopamine and oxytocin hormones that are called happy and calming hormones hence, helping you to have a nice restful sleep.
7. Improves heart health
Regular masturbation can now increase your lifespan too by keeping your heart healthy and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Masturbating increases the release of endorphins, dopamine and epinephrine hormones that are good and happy hormones which stimulate or boost circulation of blood throughout your body by keeping your heart healthy and young.
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8. Enhances your sex life
When you discover what your body likes and dislikes you can share it with your partner. You get to know what makes you satisfy on bed and get the orgasm and hence you get the complete idea about your body sexual drives which you can use it with your partner to have a nice satisfying sex life.
9. Quite safe
Well, not everyone get the satisfying sex from their life partners to be very honest. Hence, masturbation becomes a very safe and beneficial way to satisfy our sexual needs and fantasies. It never makes you pregnant neither gives you the fear of STDs.
10. Cures UTI
According to Chicago Medical Health Research centre, women get the UTI more frequently as compared to men and that’s because of the bacterial and fungal infections caused and transmitted during protected or unprotected sex. Urinary Tract Infection is very common in women. But, researches about masturbation have revealed that masturbation can relieve UTI discomfort in women, because masturbating flushes out the old bacteria out of their cervix, vagina and urethra.
11. Boosts immunity
Believe it or not, masturbation keeps your body little warm by maintaining a proper balance of temperature in your body. It boosts your immunity and lowers the chances of getting frequent cold and flu.
12. Enhances mood
Well ladies, here’s a great news. If you feel stresses, depressed or full anxiety due to your work load and hectic schedule you have now a way out to improve and enhance your mood instantly. Masturbation is an instant mood enhancer. If you’re tired just get fresh and hit your bed to feel the masturbating pleasure, because the hormones like epinephrine, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin released prior to, during and post masturbation simply boost your mood by making you happy and cheerful.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.