How To Become More Spontaneous In Life?
The more you plan, the more you fail because life is unexpected and usually things never happen according to your plans. Bringing spontaneity to your life is very much essential which needs to remove some of your scheduled and planned structures from your life which makes things more easier for you. Being spontaneous is fun and exciting as people who are more spontaneous are more adventure loving. Life is full of uncertainty and when you avoid to go according to your plans, you make yourself more spontaneous. Being spontaneous is tough to be honest but not impossible. Here are some ways to become spontaneous in your life. Read on..
Stop planning: Planning is great but sometimes planning do fail. Not everything goes according to your planning. Certain things which are unplanned bring immense pleasure, joy and relaxation. Unplanned holidays, travelling, shopping, outing always prove to be best idea and changes your perception towards life making you more spontaneous.
1. Live in the moment
Planned things are obvious and expected hence they have got no such exciting or surprising factors to amaze you. Hence to become spontaneous in life start living in the moment which makes you less worried about your future. You gradually stop worrying about what’s going to happen and the consequences. This makes you more positive and confident to face any situation in your life.
2. Create changes in routine
Get rid of all those mundane elements that you repeat every day. Shake up your routine. Make some changes. Go for playing volleyball, soccer with friends after office. Try a new breakfast (of course healthy), stop watching television after dinner, rather take a short brisk walk. Creating some changes in your routine will promote spontaneity in yourself.
3. Try something new every day
Take a new route while going to your office, try your morning coffee in a new coffee centre or restaurant. If you go walking, try to go by bus to your office. Doing such new things will eliminate the fear in your mind to incline more towards unplanned things to become more spontaneous in life.
4. Reconnect with old friends
If you’re not in touch with some of your old friends, then get in touch. Call them, text them or poke them to reconnect with them and activate a new friend zone with new fun experiences and thoughts. This will make you more happy and relaxed.
5. Travel more
Get your travel bookings and board on a flight or catch your train to travel some new place. Try to observe things more closely living in the moment. The more you live in the moment, the more you feel your mundane routine is not right for you. You will experience the adventure of talking to new people, eating new food, smelling the freshness of new place which will create a spontaneity in you.
6. Do what attracts you
Do whatever you want to do actually, whatever attracts you, or soothes your mind and soul do that thing. Add that in your routine creating a change. For example if you like painting get indulge in the colours and shades for two to three days, after that try creating new music pieces for some days. This will maintain the change in your routine and will feel you with satisfaction.
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7. Attract more ‘yes’ towards you
Say ‘yes’ to most things. In our daily lives we always stick to ‘NO’ which makes our life quite boring and expected. Saying yes to certain things like going for a beer party, or a concert, a reunion party, shopping with partner will make you experience some new things which will bring unexpected fun and joy feeling your life with excitement and spontaneity.
8. Get prone to laughter
To become spontaneous in life, do laugh as much as you can. Laughing is literally a healthy idea to complete your life with fun, confidence, excitement, freshness, good health and stress-free days. Laughing out loud watching your favourite sitcoms, or comedy shows episodes, videos will make you forget about your boring plans, routine, issues and all stuffs rather you would be left with fresh and new ideas to get into the action.
9. Work remotely
It’s really exhausting and boring to work every day at the same place. Try to work from your home, or cafe, a park where atleast you could have a new and fresh perception which will create a new angle in your work. Working remotely will make you more productive.
10. Detach yourself from gadgets
Gadgets and devices were made for our time saving but these days our maximum time is getting consumed by those devices and gadgets. Our gadgets like laptops, tabs, cell phones keep us more near to our work and stress. So, try to detach yourself from your devices after office to get relaxed and positive thoughts.
11. Talk to a stranger
Try new things remember? Usually you people are so busy in your lives that you only mind your own business which you should do actually. But talking to someone stranger on bus or metro while moving could be amazing, inspiring, motivating and relaxing. You will get to know how tiny this life is and plans have nothing to do with it. You will get inspired and motivated getting a new perception towards life.
12. Get rid of boring stuffs
You have over-clustered your routine so much that you keep repeating those boring stuffs everyday and never get bored of that. But trying something new, getting new experiences, going the way out of your routine will help you to fill your life with excitement and spontaneity. Don’t plan things rather go with the unexpected flow.
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13. Get motivation
When you try new things you start getting inspired and motivated every day. Getting motivated will drag you more towards unplanned things and spontaneity. You will start eliminating mundane stuffs from your routine to involve more in adventure.
14. Be sensible
Whatever you do try not to be reckless and foolish. Saying yes to certain things doesn’t means jumping off a cliff as your friends asked you to do so, doing whatever you want doesn’t means you will rob the bank. So to become spontaneous in life go off track from your daily routine but be sensible.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.