How to Become Rich Using Law of Attraction?

As we have already discussed in my previous articles about the explosive potentials of the “Law of Attraction” for many aspects of life such as to achieve success, dreams, dream mates and miracles, I am not gonna elaborate this concept again with that much detail. In short law of attraction is about the strong belief in your mind visualizing to achieve your goal and living with the positive affirmations and expecting the positive results and outcomes of getting success in achieving your dreams and aims but with necessary and reasonable actions and steps.
As I have already discussed, law of attraction alone can’t bring you your aims and goals right at your feet. You have to invest some of your best ideas, shots and efforts to drag your dreams towards you. Now coming to money and wealth there are very less people in this world who don’t want to become rich and affluent. However, desiring to become rich is not evil neither money nor the desire of attracting money. But incorporating and cultivating evil ideas and efforts can be dangerous and risky. Being successful rich and famous is a dream and a harmless desire that any person could cultivate.
Now the big question is how to become rich using this very law of attraction? Let’s get into it.
1. Be sure what you want
Get a crystal clear image about your desired goal. You want to be rich, attract money then make yourself familiar with its achieving process, consequences, obstacles and every possible result. You must be aware of wealthy life, efforts to achieve that wealthy life and principles attached with it. When you get a clear fixed image, you can proceed further with much ease and focus.
2. Get clear about your reasons
Figure out your top and valid reasons behind achieving your dream that is money or wealth. Why you want to become rich? What made you so determined to become a rich person? Reasons always push people to keep going while struggling to get the success. Reasons will clear your mind to focus on your goal of being rich by using the law of attraction without any distraction and negative thoughts.
3. Cultivate positive thoughts
One has to cultivate and incorporate positive thoughts and ideas to achieve the goal and aim because positive attitude and affirmations fill you with positive force of energy by eliminating negative thoughts and energy dwelling in and around your mind. To obtain positive thoughts you can practice positive affirmations to keep yourself going with positive energy and visualization. Positive lines such as “I am going to be rich soon”, I will achieve my goal of being rich” can help you to obtain positive thoughts and ideas.
4. Visualize your rich life
The core and real part of the concept of law of attraction is visualization. Visualizing yourself by keeping in the place of your success life. Visualizing yourself of getting success and living with it. To become rich by using this law of attraction you have to envision yourself living the rich and wealthy life, enjoying being rich and getting the exact feeling of being affluent.
5. Have faith
Positive thoughts and affirmations get supported by your faith and belief in law of attraction as well as your efforts. You can do it and you need to believe this statement- positive affirmation followed by a belief or faith. Your faith keeps you, your energy, determination and dream alive. You get the power and passion of obtaining your goal that is being rich.
6. Expect positive results
When you manifest positive affirmations and positive thoughts you will start expecting or anticipating positive results and outcomes. Because when you do this, you easily visualize yourself living your success. Expecting all positive consequences helps you to get the positive energy to proceed with full dedication and determination to take necessary actions that are needed to become rich.
7. Take necessary action
Just visualizing and belief in law of attraction doesn’t work as efforts needed to be invested to get desired results. It’s quite simple, if you want something, you have to earn it. Because envisioning rich and wealthy life can’t make you rich, neither can attract wealth towards you nor can give you wealthy life. You have to give efforts and take necessary steps towards earning money and being wealthy.
8. Do what is right, legally
Law of attraction never says to cultivate wrong and illegal ideas that are not acceptable. You have to be on right track to achieve your dreams or goals. You can’t apply illegal ways to obtain wealth and money in your life. Do the right thing in a legal way.
9. Generate value
Know the value of being rich, learn and deliver the value of being rich, because you have to learn the value of things in your life, to live with it. Valuing things help you to have control on your desires and greed. Because once your desire of being rich becomes your greed you lose the value of it and your downfall might be very disastrous.
10. Believe in charity
Becoming rich doesn’t mean to attract more money and wealth towards you and saving it for nothing just for your own benefits and luxury. If you value the essence of charity you become more rich and get more noble reasons to earn wealth and become wealthy.
11. Kick out negativity
Being arrogant, greedy, jealous are some of the negative factors that you might acquire after being rich or in the process of being rich. Law of attraction states that you need to be positive and eliminate all negative thoughts and ideas that create obstacles in your way of achieving your dreams and success. When you get rid of negativity you start attracting more wealth towards you in the process of being rich.
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12. Enjoy with limits
Now once you have achieved your goal and have become affluent and rich try to enjoy your rich life with limits because your happiness and madness of being rich can make you forget to culture the money saving habits. The consequences might be reverse. So it is important to stay aware of how you enjoy your success.
13. Show gratitude
You should never forget to show gratitude to the universe of law of attraction that has helped you so far in becoming rich and affluent by visualizing, belief and action in right time and with right attitude. You should thankful for what you have and what you have achieved.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.