20 Beauty Habits to Follow Every Night
This post was last updated on June 21st, 2019
Being beautiful is every woman’s birth right as well as a dream. In this internet inclined era, almost all of us are very familiar with worldwide web and information available on internet. We all try our best to get effective remedies and techniques to get beautiful glowing skin and hair in which some of the habits, remedies and ways get failed and some come up with brilliant results. Our skin gets consistently damaged due to many reasons like pollution, dirt, climatic changes, overuse of makeup, chemicals in cosmetics, hormonal alterations, ageing, harmful UV rays etc. So it becomes very essential to take a good care of our body skin and hair on daily basis to avoid skin and scalp damage. Hence, we go for many natural and artificial remedies and treatments to get fair looking healthy skin and smooth shiny hair. Face cleansing, scrubbing, face pack, body spa, bleaching, adding highlights to hair, hair drying, hair straightening, manicure, pedicure, moisturizing are some of the common beauty treatments that we opt more often. But there are many other effective and beneficial beauty habits and tricks to follow regularly adding in to your daily beauty regime that can surely help you a lot. Let’s go through the beauty habits you can follow every night listed below.
1. Remove makeup
After a long tiring day wearing makeup for complete 9 hours makes feel real exhausted. The first work after getting back home is freshening up and removing makeup with makeup remover or simply coconut oil. Prolonged use of makeup tends to wear and tear skin and hair causing permanent damage.
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2. Cleanse your face
Now, once you’ve removed the heavy makeup feel free to cleanse and wash your face properly. Use mild beauty soap or face wash or any fruit cleansing mixture to get rid of harmful chemicals, dirt, pollution residue and UV rays effect. After washing off your face dab and dry out your face with a soft cotton towel.
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3. Wash your hair
Well, before going to bed taking a short quick bath can be very effective, beneficial and relaxing as well. Take a warm bath, cold water will be okay. Get under your shower and let all your hair get wet and dirt washed away.
4. Do not comb wet hair
Most of us have a common habit of combing wet hair which is a serious “NO NO” for good hair health. Tie up your hair with a towel or soft cotton cloth and let it soak all the extra water from your hair. And never strike your hair down and up with a towel to dry out as it damages your hair vigorously by breaking them.
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5. Apply face moisturizer
Apply some drops of face moisturizer on your face and massage it for 10 minutes to make your skin supple and smooth. Moisturizing your skin restores the skins natural ability and improved blood circulation to the nerves present on your face muscles which gives you natural glowing and healthy skin.
6. Toner is good too
If you’ve a skin toner, it’s good. Making your skin alive again with toner or moisturizer is a very vital beauty habit one must follow ever night. If you don’t have moisturizer, toner can work as well. It restores skin’s pH and inhibits the break out of acne. It’s much better for those who have oily and pimple prone skin. Toner also makes skin bacteria resistant.
7. Massage eye cream
Our eyes are the most vital and delicate organs of our body. It needs good and regular care. Eye creams can be great to make them relax as your eyes get more tired than your body in the entire day. The area near your eyes is the region that gets first sign of ageing with dark circles, fine lines and puffiness. So, apply and massage eye cream to reduce dark circles and puffiness and to hydrate and moisturize your skin near eyes.Jewelry Store Magento Theme
8. Dry out hair naturally
Technology has surely helped us a lot saving our time. But every coin has its two sides. Dryers and hair straighteners might save our precious time but damage our beautiful hair too. If you’re at home, try to avoid hair dryers and straighteners as they break and roughen your hair. Let your hair dry out naturally.
9. Comb and tie up
When your hair get’s dry comb it properly to avoid tangles and knots. Make a loose braid or go for a low loose bun or a top knot bun to avoid hair breakage during your sleep and hair falling on your face.
10. Apply moisturizing lotion for hands
Face is important part of your beauty as so as your hands. To keep your hands soft and moisturized apply lotion, night creams to avoid dryness of your hand skin. You can also massage some coconut oil or mustard oil which has ancient benefits for healthy skin.
11. Petroleum jelly for feet
Vaseline or petroleum jelly for massaging your feet that walks all day long to get relaxed and stress free is a very essential beauty habit to follow every night. Massage your feet properly, you can have mustard oil or coconut oil too as it is a great substitute of petroleum jelly.
12. Cover your hair if oiled
If you’re a super busy person and get no time for oiling and prefer oiling your hair at night before going bed. It’s better to wrap your hair with a cotton soft cloth covering all your hair above the forehead because oil tends to get soaked into your facial skin making it oily and pimple prone.
13. Drink loads of water
All of the beauty habits can work on your skin only if your skin stays properly hydrated. For that, you must drink at least 5 litres of water a day to make your system run smoothly. Not only skin hydration, water makes your skin supple and improves blood circulation to all parts of your body.
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14. Get detached from technology
An offbeat beauty habit but factual. Our skin gets secretly damaged by the blue light of the technology devices such as phones, tablets, computers, laptops, iPods etc. Once you get back to home try to stay away from your super devices till you wake up in morning. This will not only help to keep your skin away from harmful lights but also keeps you stress free. No emails, no notifications, no stress.
15. Get relaxed and stressed free
Simply hit your bed with slow pace soothing music if possible, dim the lights and keep lying on your bed trying to fall somewhere in between your worries and stress inside your thoughts. Take deep breaths and feel the air, you’ll be completely relaxed and so as your skin.
16. Sleep with no worries and thoughts
People tend to nurture a very sad and bad habit that is thinking, manipulating, analysing, calculating, figuring and finding out their work issues with loads of worries and stress and that even while closing their eyes lying on their bed. This not only gives you stress but also gives worry lines on your head causing faster ageing and dark circles. So keep aside your worries and thoughts once you hit the bed.
17. Go to bed at your fixed time
It will better if you sleep every night at a fixed time. This not only stabilizes your biological clock of your body but also helps you fall asleep naturally once you hit your sleeping time. This helps you to get you enough and satisfying beauty sleep and get a proper routine for a healthy lifestyle.
18. Have sex if possible
I’m pretty much sure no one has ever told you this eccentric but true habit to culture for your flawless beauty mission. One of the best beauty habits you can follow every night, not necessarily. Well, it’s true you can’t have sex every night, but having sex three to four times a week especially at night can help you gain natural glowing and flawless skin because it kills your stress, gives you good sleep and most importantly regularizes your menstrual cycle which is very vital to get healthy acne free skin.
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19. Use soft pillow covers
Skin is the largest organ of our body and it’s very delicate too. It can get easily hurt and damaged if not taken care of it properly. Using soft smooth pillow covers that even skin friendly is recommended for keeping skin safe and rashes free.
20. Use pillow
Yes, I have heard and read many a time that using two pillows helps to reduce eye puffiness which is verily true. But keeping your body posture right while sleeping is as important as keeping your skin healthy and beautiful. Some people use two pillows and some one. But, according to the doctors your body spine needs to be straight while sleeping to avoid muscle cramps and airlocks. Use one pillow while sleeping to keep your head little up to avoid eye puffiness and dark patches under eyes.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.