Ayurvedic Skincare Secrets: 17 Effective Beauty Tips for Skin
This post was last updated on October 22nd, 2019
Amongst the daily hustle and bustle of life, we rarely have time for ourselves. Especially, if you are a working woman! We believe you have a lot on your plate. From getting your kids ready for school to packing lunch for yourself and your family; you are busy as a beaver. The tight schedule rarely leaves any ‘me’ time for you. This directly impacts your skin and its natural glow. But with Ayurveda – the vedic science of healing and longevity, you can follow a few tips and tricks to look your best every day.
Listed Below are Some of the Ayurvedic Beauty Tips
1. Start your mornings with a cup of warm lemon water
Your morning routine impacts the rest of the day! Mornings are the best time to get rid of body toxins. A cup of warm water with lemon and honey (optional) cleanses your body and prepares it for the rest of the regimes.
2. Yoga for a beautiful skin
Including yoga in your routine helps you get not only a healthy heart or lung but a glowing skin. Yoga frees the body from toxins and balances the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). So, spare at least 30 to 60 mins from your morning routine and perform yoga.
3. Meditate for 10 minutes
Meditation calms your mind and helps it relax. A calmer mind reduces the stress that is the root cause of early aging and skin inflammation. Begin with 10 minutes of meditation daily, and then increase the time when you become more comfortable.
4. Perform breathing exercises
Breathing exercises such as pranayama has a profound effect on your skin. If you can control your breathing, you can control stress and anxiety. Shallow breathing can pale the complexion while heavy breathing makes it flush.
5. Indulge in oil massage
Abhyanga is an important routine in Ayurveda. Oil massage helps get rid of body toxins, thus radiating the texture of the skin. Go for organic refined almond oil or sesame oil for massaging your skin.
6. Stay away from incompatible food combinations
Food is medicine but taking food in odd combinations can turn out to be poisonous. Avoid combinations such as – milk and meat, milk and honey, cold drinks after a meal, etc. Each of these food items has an opposite effect on your body. When taken together they can create imbalance.
7. Sip some herbal tea
Herbal tea is best for improving digestion and reduces inflammation. You can go for packaged herbal teas like green tea or make your own at home. Simply boil some water, add a few ginger juliennes, filter and pour it in a cup. Add a few drops of honey and lemon, and your herbal drink is ready.
8. Consume green and fiber-rich vegetables
Include more leafy vegetables in your diet. Foods with high water content like carrots, radishes, cucumbers, etc. are also great. You can either eat them whole or dice in salads.
9. Moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize
Moisturizing your skin regularly is important to maintain its luster and glow. Avoid moisturizers with heavy chemical content. Instead go for organic and light moisturizing creams. When you moisturize, give light strokes in an upward direction, this tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles.
10. Say no to sugar
White sugar is just empty calories and its better if you cut it from your diet. Avoid sugary drinks as well, for e.g. cold drinks, soda, etc. Consume natural sources of sugar like fruits to supplement the sugar need of body.
11. Put away junk and processed foods
Processed foods can harm your bodily functions and lead to obesity and even heart issues. So, it is better if you can say no to these processed foods and avoid it whenever possible.
12. Follow a fixed routine of sleep
Quality of sleep directly impacts our skin. A good night’s sleep helps us get-up in the morning fully recharged and rejuvenated. The best way to include a good sleeping habit is to fix your time to bed.
The above tips covered some regimes that can heal your body from within and thus contribute to a healthier skin. Ayurveda philosophies reflect a special skincare routine using natural kitchen ingredients known as ubtans. Let’s look at some of the best ubtans for glowing skin.
13. Orange peel for exfoliation
Ayurveda beauty regime follows three steps – cleanse, nourish, and moisturize. An important part of cleansing is exfoliating the skin to get rid of dead cells. Orange peel is a natural exfoliator. Grind dry orange peels to get a powder form, and mix with a tablespoon of milk when exfoliating.
14. Chickpea flour for reducing dark spots
Chickpea flour is great for reducing dark spots. Mix equal amounts of chickpea flour, turmeric, and milk and make a smooth paste. Apply it to the affected areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
15. Potato juice for pigmentation and uneven skin tone
Grind a potato and extract its juice. With the help of cotton, apply this juice on the affected area and leave overnight. Wash with water the next morning. Repeat till you start noticing a change in your skin.
16. Yogurt and sandalwood for deep cleansing
Yogurt is a great cleanser. Mix yogurt with sandalwood powder and rub it into your face and neck area. Keep massaging for 10-15 minutes. You can either keep it for another 5 minutes or immediately wipe it off. Sandalwood is good for achieving glowing skin.
17. Aloe Vera and saffron for a radiant skin
Aloe Vera is a magic ingredient in Ayurveda and is good for skin, hair, digestion, etc. Mix Aloe Vera gel and saffron in a bowl and apply it to your face. Leave it overnight for maximum benefits. Wash it off with cold water the next morning. Use natural aloe vera plant extract or organically produced aloe vera gel for applying to your skin.
You can know more about Ayurvedic beauty regime for a youthful skin through various magazines and Ayurveda news that promote the benefits of Ayurveda. Don’t forget to share your views through the comments section below.
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