8 Diseases You Can Avoid By Sleeping More

According to National Sleep Foundation (NSF), sleep is the most vital element for a person’s health and well being. Millions of people are suffering from many chronic diseases due to the lack of sleep all around the globe. Sleep not only makes you feel better, but also improves your mood giving you a fresh glowing skin. Ample sleep is a fundamental component of a healthy active lifestyle providing benefits for your heart, weight, mind, and more. Not all diseases can be cured, but many are curable by medicines, vaccinations, drugs etc. But, another fact that can’t be defied is pills and drugs have many side effects that could risk your health adversely. And the good news is you can verily avoid diseases by sleeping more or sufficient.
Let’s have a look on the following diseases that can be healed or averted by ample sleep.
1. Obesity
Lack of sleep affects the chemicals in your body adversely. Chemicals called leptin levels (hormone made by adipose cells helping to regulate energy equilibrium by curbing hunger) drop, when you don’t get ample sleep. Moreover lack of sleep escalates the levels of ghrelin, that indicate your appetite. So you get more hunger pangs and you don’t feel full even after eating which leads you to eat more and more gaining extra weight.
2. Low sperm count
According to American Medical Association of Chicago University Journal, scientists discovered that men who sleep less than 7 hours suffer a distinct decrease in their testosterone levels. Low testosterone or low sperm count not only effect your sex life adversely, but your energy and concentration level too. To avoid diseases by sleeping more, you need to sleep minimum 8 hours according to the scientists of Chicago University.
3. Poor memory
Ample sleep strengthens your brain memory. People who are consistently sleep deprived are more prone to get high blood pressure, diabetes, and narrowed blood vessels which means decreased blood flow inside the brain, because brain cells need loads of oxygen and sugar, so insufficient blood flow issues could affect the ability of brain to work properly worsening the brain memory.
4. Alzheimer’s
Poor sleep contributes Alzheimer’s disease by escalating the level of amyloid plaques in the brain which is a strong indicator of Alzheimer’s disease that leads to impaired performance of brain in memory tests. However, adequate sleep can help the Alzheimer’s patients to get better memory and get cured gradually.
5. Weak immunity
Sleep deprivation affects your immune system adversely. According to the studies people suffering from sleep deprivation are more likely to get sick after being infected by any virus, such as a cold virus or flu. While sleeping, your immune system releases some proteins called cytokines that help in promoting sleep. Sleep deprivation lowers the production of the protective cytokines. Moreover, the infection-fighting antibodies and cells also get reduced due to lack of sleep.
6. Inflammation
Inflammation leads to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, blood pressure, arthritis and premature aging. Researchers say that people who get inadequate sleep that is less than six or fewer hours at night have high blood levels of inflammatory proteins compared to those who get more or adequate sleep.
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7. Anxiety and depression
A better sleep remarkably reduces stress level and people who sleep more have controlled blood pressure according to the researchers. However, lack of sleep leads to depression and increased level of stress. You can avoid diseases like stress, depression, nervous breakdown, depression by sleeping more or at least 7 hours. Find out how long does a nervous breakdown last and the importance of having adequate sleep. Good sleep induces better emotional stability.
8. Migraines and other headaches
Migraines and other severe headaches can be very deadly and needs proper medical attention. Severe migraines can make your head go flinching very badly, but studies have found that enough sleep can help in relieving headaches and migraines, because people who suffer from sleep deprivation are more likely to experience acute migraines and headaches.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.