7 Attitudinal Changes You Must Adopt Before You Reach 30s
If you are turning 30 or already in your 30s, then you may automatically start feeling mature. Now that you have become experienced of how life is shaped up with the struggles and adventures, it is time to think about yourself. You need to think about how you want your 40s, 50s and 60s to be! If you feel that life is all about getting drunk at late night club parties or spending money recklessly, then you need to grow up. You are about to step into a responsible adult life, which requires to you slow down for thinking about how you want your life to progress.
If you are feeling that you are contented with the way you are living irrespective of your indisciplined attitude and carelessness when it comes to handling money matters, then you need to have a good look at your future. You must know that you need to settle down in life to enjoy a peaceful journey in career and personal life. Time and people change fast. The people with whom you are hanging out might to strive to settle down in their 30s. Moreover, if you get married, then you have to give more time to your family and you will have to be extra careful while saving and spending money.
So if you are now giving this a thought, then you need to have deep understanding about the kind of life you wish for yourself and your family. Enjoyments, excitements and adventures are an integral part of our lives and they are never permanent. Before you enter a new phase of your life, you need to know about these 7 attitudinal changes you must adopt before you reach 30s and let them get ingrained in you:
Fall In Love With Yourself
If you are in love with yourself, only then it will be possible for you to feel comfortable with yourself. Irrespective of your personal or professional life, you will then be able to love people and accept them the way they are. This is very important thing that you must adopt while being in your 30s as it will give a sort of freedom from worrying about your self esteem and confidence level. When you love yourself, you will automatically feel motivated and confident.
You just need to kick start your day with a positive self talk by appreciating yourself for looking your best and telling yourself that you need to pull off the day with a smile and affirmative attitude. Don’t let people demotivate you when they criticise your dressing style, your looks, your attitude, etc. In fact, be proud of your likes and dislikes and stop associating with people who take your mind in wrong direction.
Cherish Your Dreams For Private Life
The key to enjoy happiness, success and self satisfaction in life is by accomplishing your goals for your private life. When you are in your 30s, you may be obviously struck by the feeling of getting married, having kids, buying new home or making investments for the future, etc. So if you have not done anything for fulfilling these goals, then it is the best time to start. You need to get your mind working for the short term and long term private goals as time never comes back. You won’t be in your 30s again. You must stop delaying the actions to be taken in this regard or you will just be a spectator when your friends and colleagues will invite you on their D days.
Do The Work In Which You Prowess
When you are in your 20s, your career aspirations are actually side lined because at that time, money is the thing that matters to you a lot. But in long term, the kind of work that you do might actually not satisfy you as it was never your domain. In life, you need to have a mental satisfaction to enjoy moments of happiness and there is no substitute for the success achieved from doing the work that has been your passion. So when you enter your 30s, you need to understand that it is time to move on from the monotonous job to follow your inner passion because you cannot do the work that you hate at the cost of losing a golden opportunity to do what you love to. In fact, it has been noted that people who forcefully do the jobs they hate tend to face failed careers and an equally unhappy family and social life.
Don’t Run After Materialistic Desires
You must nurture your attitude in a way that you are contented with what you possess. Instead of being jealous of what others have, you must focus on what you have and how better life you are leading. You need to be calm and patient when you see people show off their assets because there are more people who will always have better than what you have.
Thereby, you need to develop a contented attitude as it will help you to keep your mind away from negativity and you will focus more on being happy. When you chase after the materialistic desires, you tend to become a person who loves to make others feel low and who finds happiness in boasting their riches. Your lifestyle is not determined by what you have, it is your attitude that makes you rich. Rest all materials are ephemeral.
Maintain Good Relationship With Your Parents
When you enter your 30s, you will get too busy with your personal and professional life and will be juggling with coping up your married life and following your career goals. Amidst this busy life, you need to spare time for your ageing parents, who have been giving you the required support since you were born. You must understand that they too are mortal beings and as they are getting older, they expect from you emotional support and lots of love. You must try your best to keep them happy and must never neglect them as you may repent it later.
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Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
You must love your uniqueness and accept the fact that you will receive what is planned for you by your destiny. You must understand that you have different upbringing and values and by comparing yourself to others, you are insulting your own individuality. In fact, social media sites have ruined the minds of many people as they view others accounts to see and get envious about they have attained in their lives. You may start feeling like a loser.
So instead of stopping yourself from using social media sites, develop an attitude that you are making yourself feel inferior by comparing with others. By you reach 30s, you must accept the fact that success and happiness cannot be achieved if you stress up your mind and depress yourself by getting jealous of others. You need to concentrate on your life and your personal goals and be proud of the way you are moving ahead in your life.
Eat Healthy & Start Exercising
One of the most important habits that you need to inculcate before you reach 30s is the habit of eating healthy and exercising regularly. If you carry on your habit of eating junk food, then you will suffer in your 40s, 50s and you will rarely be able to see your 60s then! Instead of becoming the host for a long list of health issues, start eating healthy today. Eat well balanced diet with wholesome nutrients and low calories. Quit smoking and alcohol if you want to add more years to your life. Give your body a boost of energy as you reach 30s by regularly exercising. You may gain extra pounds as you age, so ensure good amount of physical activity to keep your muscles strong and to increase your metabolism rate.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.