When you take a health supplement, the expectation is that it will help your body. Usually, this is the case, but there are some exceptions. Knowing why your body isn’t healthy is more important than trying to replenish what you think is missing. Key information about health can be found online at braceyourhealth. It’s a friendly start to what should be a long-time life of healthy choices.
Everything Is Dangerous In Excess
No matter how healthy something is, too much of it will destroy a body. Water is healthy, yet overhydration can kill you. It’s all about balance, and that is something that is lacking when you go to town with a supplement. When a doctor prescribes a supplement, the dosage information should be carefully followed. With that said, here are some of the common supplements that are problematic.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is great for calcium absorption. Getting enough vitamin D is hard when relying on food, and that is the reason the supplement form is considered a good choice. When too much of it gets in the system, muscle pain, abdominal pain, and mood disorders are the side effect. Age plays a big role in this, but the conclusion is to be careful when taking a vitamin D supplement.
When you get too much calcium, it becomes a heavy burden on the arteries. Since vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, taking both supplements may not play well with one another. Plaque buildup is a serious business and one that could end a life. With that said, there is a huge difference between a calcium supplement and getting it naturally from food.
Multivitamins are always a mixed bag and are something that should only be taken after doing careful research. Taking a multivitamin can balance out one part of your body while throwing the other part completely off. It is a convenience supplement and is considered something that really isn’t a substitute for a healthy diet. There are circumstances where it is helpful, so with the right resources, you can gain all of its benefits.
Fish Oil
Fish oil became popular for its richness in omega-3 fatty acids. It helps reduce heart disease, one of the leading causes of death in the world. But fish oil is something that is usually reserved for someone with a deficiency in omega-3. Diarrhea and skin problems are some of the side effects of going overboard with the supplement. It is mild compared to the rest of the supplements on the list, yet it is still something you should avoid.
Soy Isolate
Soy isolate is a weird one, at least for women. It helps with menopause thanks to the isoflavones contained in the supplement. There are concerns that too much of it can lead to breast cancer. Studies have been done that debunk this claim, but there are still concerns about how it affects a woman’s body when taken in large doses. While there are still conflicting reports on cancer risks, many agree that a healthy amount of soy isolate is fine for most women.
Wrap Up
You should always be aware of what goes into your body. When a doctor hands you medicine, it is after careful testing about the current state of your health. Trying to improve your health with supplements should come with a similar amount of information. Without it, you might make a hidden problem worse.