Top 10 Anti-Ageing Supplements You Must Try
There is absolutely no one who wishes to look and feel aged when they have their unfulfilled ambitions ahead. Feeling aged will mean loss in vigour and constantly feeling lethargic. In fact, almost everyone wants to enjoy best of their health but they just end up looking young, not feeling young. Many times, we get worried by looking at ourselves in the mirror. The slight under eye dark circles rob off our sleep. As we reach 30s, we even dream of getting some magic youth maintaining pill to kick off the signs of ageing.
Though ageing is evident to show on skin some or the other time but the signs of ageing emerging in the 30s may be a result of stress, excessive sunlight exposure, pollution, usage of chemicals on skin, etc. In fact, one of the major reasons is the lack of nutrition rich food in our diet and dependence on the junk food that accelerates the process of ageing of the body as a whole.
Since people are getting busier and busier day by day, it becomes difficult for them to fill their platter with nature’s goodness. Moreover, when there are anti-ageing supplements easily available in the market, you just need to have knowledge about your needs. If you want your body to be filled with youthful vigour and want to lead a long and healthy life, then understanding about these top 10 anti-ageing supplements is worth your time:
1. Fish Oil
Omega-3 are fatty acids that are known as heart’s best friend. Medical experts have confirmed that fish oils, especially salmon, when consumed in the form of softgel supplements, helps in keeping your heart healthy while solving the plaque accumulation issues in the arteries. These are also known as good fats that controls the saturated and trans-fats’ in the body and since ancient times, people are consuming it to protect their health from major diseases that occur during the old age. Not only your heart is protected from sudden heart attacks, blood pressure and cholesterol disorders, even your hair, skin and nails will remain youthful.
2. Resveratrol
You may often have heard that people in western countries prefer having a glass of red wine with their dinner. For them, it acts as an anti-ageing pill. Because wines are made of grapes and berries that are loaded with a polyphenol named resveratrol that helps in improving your body’s immunity will lowering the speed of ageing. It is specifically great for people suffering from diabetes as it improves the insulin sensitivity while lowering the glucose levels. Additionally, a protein called sirtuin is balanced by this supplement and this activity helps a lot in ensuring longevity of cells.
3. GTF Chromium
One of the major reasons for ageing of the body is the higher amount of sugar in the blood in the form of glucose. To tackle this issue, our body naturally produces a complex molecule of the mineral chromium known as GTF chromium that helps in improving the insulin activity. When the high amount of blood sugar in the blood starts damaging the tissues and cells, our body starts showing signs of ageing. This supplement works by stopping the sugar from harming the body cells. Also, GTF chromium supplement is great for flaunting a youthful skin that is glowing and supple.
4. Co-Enzyme Q10
CoQ10 is an essential enzyme produced within the body that prevents blood from clotting, which in turn is beneficial for the heart health. It helps in protecting the heart from heart attack and related diseases. But with the passage of time, the production of this enzyme slows down and thereby, you may be at a higher risk of suffering from diabetes, cancer and heart disorders. But C-enzyme Q10 supplement helps the body to get back the dosage of this powerful antioxidants that nullifies the free radical effect while benefiting your skin, hair and body.
5. Imedeen
Imedeen is a kind of rare protein found in deep sea fish. This supplement was not popular until recent medical studies that have revealed its wondrous results in maintaining skin’s longevity. It works to increase the production of collagen and elastin that plays crucial role in toning up the skin and preventing sagging of skin. Experts recommend to consume this supplement everyday as it provides hyaluronic acid that acts as natural moisturisers to skin, making it appeal soft, smooth and firm.
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6. Aspirin
Aspirin is your first choice when you suffer from headaches, body pains or slight cold and fever. But did you know that small dosage of aspirin daily can improve your overall health? Aspirin works great in improving body’s blood circulation by thinning the blood and thereby, reduces chances of clotting. The improved blood supply to the body in turn, helps in functioning of all the organs. If you want to reduce the risk of suffering from colon cancer by 50 percent, then as per medical studies, taking this supplement every other day or daily in small quantities will do the task.
7. Hesperidin
Not many people know that peels of fruits and vegetables are loaded with rare nutrients that works magically for maintaining great health condition while slowing down the ageing process. Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid that is mostly found in citrus fruit peels and helps in toning the skin while strengthening our veins. When our body starts ageing, our veins become weaker and bent owing to which they look purple and disproportionate beneath the skin. This supplement has the ability to render strength to our veins and improves blood flow in the body. It largely reduces the inflammation in the veins and thereby protects the heart health too.
8. Carnitine
Your kidney and liver produces this nutrient and stores it in different parts of the body. It drastically helps in converting stored fat into energy but its supply in the body reduces after some period of time. It works wonders for kicking off the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and also treats depression and dementia. When taken in form of supplements, it helps in treating common chest pains and angina. Medical experts have revealed that carnitine when consumed as supplement increases male sperm count, thereby boosting their fertility rate.
9. Heliocare
One of the major reasons for appearance of signs of premature ageing is over exposure to sunlight. It is very difficult to revive the skin affected from harsh UVA rays of the sun. Heliocare is one such supplement obtained from fern extracts that helps in protecting the skin against the sun and even by passing years. Consuming this supplement on daily routine ensures staunch repair of the damage caused by UVA rays while it also acts efficiently in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.
10. Idebenone
You might be astonished to know that the secret behind those flawless looking skin of your favourite Hollywood celebrities lies in this idebenone supplement. It is basically an antioxidant that is powerful in maintaining skin’s elasticity and gives you younger looking skin from deep within. This supplement has also found usage in many cosmetic products and procedures. If you take this supplement on daily basis, then it will ensure that all the damage caused by ageing is restored and all you get is soft and radiant looking skin.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.