Simple living and high thinking is said to be key to live life king size. When we have a look at the lifestyle of people 20 years ago, we could see that life used to be simpler and people were more contented with their lives. They had time for work, family and society. They knew the art of enjoying those precious 24 hours, which we too have but are unable to make most of it. People now have become very ambitious and they are ready to spend extra hours at work for earning more and more money. People are becoming more materialistic and are ready to sacrifice joyous moments in the present for enjoying an unpredictable future!
Over the time, people are getting busier and even stressful. Life has become so busy that people hardly have time to give peace to their body, mind and soul. Gradually, people are getting aware that there is no end to such a busy lifestyle and are seeking to live a simple life. If we think that purpose of our lives is to be happy then we will automatically stop complicating things and our minds will get a break from stress and tensions.
Here are 9 amazing ways to make your day simple, so that you get habitual of leading a simple life by enjoying its every moment:
1. Note Down Your Important Tasks For The Day

For an uncomplicated day, you must ensure that you have clearly determined your tasks for the day. You must note down all the important tasks for the complete day early in the morning or a night before so that you don’t mess up your whole day. Try to eliminate unimportant tasks that eat up a major chunk of your precious time and ruin your idea of a simple day. Combine short tasks together so that you get motivated to see majority of tasks completed. Then you will find oodles of time for wrapping up tasks which may consume lot of time.