After Cardiac Bypass Surgery Diet and Fitness Plan
Cardiac or coronary bypass surgery is a complicated procedure that helps in restoring the flow of blood to your heart muscle by diverting the blood flow from a blocked heart artery. The surgery is performed by using a healthy blood vessel taken from arm, chest, leg or abdomen which is then connected to other arteries in the heart so that blood flow gets bypassed from the blocked area.
Since the surgery is a major operation that would require proper rest and recovery, you need to have cardiac bypass surgery diet and fitness plan in hand. While healthy diet is detrimental for effective healing and maintenance of optimum health for the rest of your life, exercising is an equally indispensable component during the post surgery phase.
Following a cardiac bypass surgery, the appetite may significantly decrease. This is why medical experts suggest having small meals at frequent intervals to keep the metabolism system working. Moreover, cardiac rehabilitation via exercising speeds up the healing process helping you to return to your normal lifestyle at the earliest.
Here is an easy after cardiac bypass surgery diet and fitness plan that will help you maintain great heart health without causing any retrogressive effect on your overall health:-
Diet Plan For Quick Healing Of Heart
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Our body mostly consists of water and most of our health problems can be dealt with enough consumption of water. After such a major surgery, medications can possibly cause water loss from the body and this is why, for proper healing and recovery, you must consume more water, juices or soups. However, stay away from sugary drinks or caffeine beverages as they may interfere in the healing process.
Increase Soluble Fibre Intake
Soluble fibre is largely found in oatmeal, lentils, beans and a large variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consuming more of fibre will stimulate liver to produce more of HDL (High Density Lipids) or good cholesterol which helps in effective flood of blood and maintaining great heart health.
Get More Good Fats
In order to reduce the level of bad cholesterols or LDLs (Low Density Lipids), you must start consuming more of good fats in the form of monounsaturated fats found in foods like coconut, olive, groundnut and grapeseed oils. Have these fats in moderate amounts to enjoy optimum heart health and avoid weight gain and allied health issues.
Cut Back On Alcohol
Drinking alcohol is injurious to your health in many ways. Once you have gone through this complicated surgical procedure, it is time to take a moment and rethink about your food and beverage choices. Alcohol stimulates triglycerides and adds fat in the blood which prompts the heart to make greater effort in pumping, which will eventually increase the chances of heart stroke.
Include Omega 3 Fatty Acids In Your Diet
Your heart is one complicated organ in your body and the healing process after the cardiac bypass surgery can consume time. Hence, to prevent inflammation of the arteries, you must have more of omega 3 fatty acids that works to prevent the inflammation from causing blockages. Have more of fish, flax seeds and nuts to get benefited by the wonder nutrient, Omega 3 fatty acids.
Consume Antioxidant Rich Foodstuffs
Greater quantities of foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds loaded with antioxidants can help in preventing the accumulation of LDL cholesterol in the inner lining of the arteries. Have a balanced diet with moderate quantities of salt and sugar and greater amount of green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, etc. to enjoy best of health for the post bypass surgery phase.
Avoid Junk Foods
Medical studies have proved that the increasing trend of consuming junk foods is the major reason for the stupendous surge in cardiac disorders across the globe. Fried foods lack nutrients and are just rich in sodium, saturated fats and trans fats, which can severely increase the production of bad cholesterol in the body which then cause obstruction in the flow of blood from blood vessels.
Stay Away From Refined Grains
Have more of whole grains that are rich in fibre that helps in production of good cholesterol in the body. Refrain from consuming refined grains which are rich in sugar and are devoid of germ and bran and thereby they lack fibre and essential vitamins.
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Fitness Plan For Maintaining Great Heart Health After Cardiac Bypass Surgery
While taking care of what you eat after the surgery is crucial, it is equally pertinent to incorporate right kind of workout to ensure that your cardiac bypass surgery diet and fitness plan is successful. Take a look at these steps to understand how you can resume with your routine life after this major surgery:-
Supervised Movements At Initial Stage
While you are still at the hospital, your doctor may encourage you to slightly move your limbs so that the blood circulation resumes efficiently. You may be assisted to stand and walk with support. Remember not to make swift movements at this stage as any pressure on chest or heart muscles can prove harmful for your healing and recovery process.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercises
When you leave the hospital, doctors would recommend some essential exercises that you need to perform under close supervision of your near ones. The cardiac rehabilitation exercises are aimed at improving muscle strength after the bypass surgery, helping in faster healing and reducing the risk of cardiac disorders in future.
Walk More For Effective Blood Circulation
Walking is perhaps the safest and the best exercise after a cardiac bypass surgery as it ensures thorough blood circulation. After a week or so after the surgery, when your doctor deems to physically fit to start walking, you can walk at a regular pace at a place that is not much hot and for not more than 15 minutes at a stretch.
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Climb Stairs
When your body has become accustomed to walking after a bypass surgery, you can take a step forward towards leading your routine life by climbing stairs. Ensure that you climb the stairs by putting pressure on your legs instead of pressurising your arms while holding the handrail. Ensure to bring every small transition with care and steady pace.
Avoid Lifting Heavy Stuff
Do not involve in any activity that leaves you sweaty and exhausted within seconds. Avoid lifting weight or working in a hasty fashion for the first six weeks of the surgery. Such activities can put excessive pressure on your chest and heart muscles and obstruct the healing process.
Go For Yoga Or Light Aerobics
After a month and a half of the surgery, you can perform yoga or light aerobics on regular basis on consultation with your doctor. Gardening, light housework and moderately strenuous work can be undertook which will help you leap ahead towards resuming routine life activities.
Resume Your Normal Activities
After three months of your bypass operation, your doctor will check the status of your heart health and will accordingly instruct you to resume your regular activities. He will also suggest important modifications in your cardiac bypass surgery diet and fitness plan which will help you keep your heart in great health.
Most types of workouts will be allowed by now and you will also be able to enjoy sports and recreational activities. However, you will have to adopt a gradual process to start these activities so that you can monitor their effect on your heart’s health.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.