7 Adverse Impacts Of Working Out During Sickness
While leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is essential to work out to burn the extra calories which the sitting job cannot do. You must understand that in order to be healthy, you need to keep yourself fit irrespective of age, gender or how much busy you are in your life. However, when you start exercising, it is very pertinent that you maintain consistency. You need to motivate yourself to avoid skipping your work out regimen even for a day.
But when working out comes into your habit, then you start feeling great about the results, which is the direct outcome of your inner motivational levels. Even though you are tired at times, but your guilt factor does not allow you to take a break and challenges you to perform with energy at such juncture too. You hardly like to miss your exercise regimen once you become consistent. Now what you should do when you are ill and you hardly have energy to push yourself out of your bed? Your consciousness however, yells at you to retard off the feeling and hit the gym to feel better.
Actually, the truth is that you need to suppress your inner voice and must avoid performing any kind of work out or you may further deteriorate your health condition. It is true that being consistent makes you feel highly motivated but at times of illness, your body does not have the energy to cope up with any kind of fitness training. Loss of energy is too fast when you are sick. To know why forcing your body for a work out during illness is harmful, read these 7 adverse impacts of working out during sickness:
Feeling Of Dizziness
When you feel the symptoms of body pain, shivering and stomach problems, then you should avoid exercising till the time you feel better. If you don’t feel like exercising and feel like taking rest then don’t listen to your mind when it says to work out. Your motive should be to take care of your health rather than straining it. You must focus on eating right and drinking plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and energetic.
You Will Be Too Tired To Have Sound Sleep
If you are ill and you train yourself to a great extent, then you will be too tired and you may not get enough sleep. Moreover, the quality of sleep will also deteriorate. Some people believe that for a sound sleep at night, you need to over-train yourself. But if you continue to do exercise this way during sickness, then you will face chronic sleep disorder. It is better to skip your work out when you actually cannot give yourself the required push.
You May Start Vomiting
When your guilt factor compels you to hit the gym while your body is actually not ready for a work out, then chances are high that you may feel like vomiting. You tend to feel low energy at such times and your digestive system becomes too weak to burn calories while exercising. So when you try exercising during illness, you will possibly feel like puking.
You Will Feel Dehydrated Sooner
When you are sick, your defence mechanism becomes active and to cure the infections inside the body, it demands hydration. To help your body’s defence system help in curing your ailments, you must give rest to your body and drink enough water. If you are suffering from fever, then you must ensure complete rest to your body and avoid exercising to prevent the situation from getting worse.
You May Suffer From Severe Headache
While working out, if you feel intense pain in your head and is constant for hours, then it might be a sign that your body is trying to get energy to fight off sickness, which is being wrongly utilised at that time in exercising. You may also be experiencing headache due to lack of fluid in the body. If you take enough fluids before, during and after exercise, you may start feeling better. But if the situation persists, then you must convince yourself to take a break from your fitness regimen.
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You Can Develop Motion Sickness
If you are having symptoms such as soar throat, cough, fever, chills, chest congestion and fatigue along with body ache, then it is advised to ensure less strain to your body. There are people who start feeling guilty if they skip their exercise regimen even for a day. But when you suffer from sickness, then you must keep aside the feeling and listen to your body’s needs. Instead you can do simple yoga and meditation which will assist in the working of the medications you take. But if you perform intense work out, then the vibration of the exercises can give you cramps in the stomach and you may suffer from motion sickness.
Hormonal Imbalance May Cause More Stress
When you are not feeling well, then performing exercises is a strict no-no. You must not indulge in high intensity work outs as they may deplete the white blood cells in the body that are essential for quick recovery from illness. At the same time, such hard core work out triggers the production of stress hormone called Cortisol, which results in declining the ability of immune hormones that are needed to keep your body protected from infections.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.