4 Incredible Ways To Adopt A Positive State Of Mind
This post was last updated on January 24th, 2025

Positivity is indeed a state of mind that remains unaffected by circumstances or economic status or negative feelings such as jealousy, hatred, sadness, anger, etc.
The hectic lifestyle and increasing competition in the professional life has found to be a pertinent reason for increasing stress and anxiety in people between 25 and 40 years of age. It is studied that an average person can have around twenty five thousand to fifty thousand thoughts a day and in case, you are having a bad day or you are bit pessimist, then chances are high that the thoughts can be more of negative nature.
The increasing stress and anxiety can push your thought process into imagining negative consequences, which can adversely impact your health in the later stage of life. Mental disorders, frequent mood swings and depression may pose more challenges and you may fall prey to your own negative approach towards life, making your life miserable.
The only thing you can do to conquer your mood swings and thoughts is by staying happy. Remember that happiness cannot be found externally, it should emerge from within. Ask yourself, when was the last time you felt happy.
If you feel yourself lost by the very idea of thinking when you were happy the last time, then here are 4 incredible ways to adopt a positive state of mind that can boost the quality of your life and teach you to find happiness in every moment:
1. Analyse The Source Of Negativity
In order to liberate your mind from disturbing negative thoughts, you must identify the source or else it would seem like a fight with an unknown enemy. People suffer from various kinds of problems like huge number of creditors, dispute with parents or going through a divorce or break-up or any problem related to the place of work. These kinds of problems can certainly create negative ambience around you and may cause frustration, irritation and anger.
Everyone has to face the problems written in their fate and dealing with these problems with a sorted mind that wants to get rid of negativity is an art you must master in. Meet new people, socialise, read more books, listen to good music and eat well to make your mind strong enough to handle negative emotions. Develop a long term plan to keep identifying the sources of negativity and eliminating them in its initial stage so that you can successfully forget such disturbing circumstances and adopt a positive state of mind.
2. Bring Drastic Change In Your Routine
Though most people prefer living in their comfort zones because they are built out of the set patterns of living and habits, but they kill the adventure and thrill in your life. Don’t make your life so predictable that you are ritually following the same routine that you followed years ago. This brings boredom and monotony that makes your mind trapped in a cage of sadness and even depression.
Make spontaneous changes and do unpredictable activities to enjoy a new side of yours. Be open-minded and try to enjoy life at the fullest. Even if you don’t know cooking or can’t sing, don’t stop yourself from trying new things. Focus on creating happy memories and in the process, you will start learning new things about yourself. Start meditating, explore new places, try new recreational activities, spend more time with family, etc. to let your mind and soul know how much alive you are.
3. Start Accepting Failures Gracefully
One of the most common sources of negativity is failure and our minds have been trained to run after success so much so that we fail to deal with failures. As per many highly successful people who are self-made people, staying positive is the key to success and it doesn’t matter how many times you fall; what matters is how well these failures inspire you to stand back and come with more powerful approach. Considering failure as the end of the world is the biggest mistake that can push you in the deep well of negativity. Change your perspective, adopt a positive state of mind and take the failure as the opportunity to start again differently with loads of will power and optimism.
4. Know Your Self-Worth
Negative thoughts generally de-motivate you to such an extent that you feel useless and you start presuming that your existence hardly matters. You may feel less efficient and you may find yourself constantly comparing to people who work better than you or are at better position in the work place or enjoy high social status. To get rid of such thoughts, you must work on to boost your confidence levels and for this, you must understand that everyone has their merits and demerits.
Instead of comparing yourself with others, understand that your personality, interests and lifestyle are unique. Each day when you wake up, remind yourself of the things you are adept at and inspire yourself to work on the areas you need to improve. Keep yourself busy at home and office so that you add more value to your work and having an active lifestyle will keep your mind perked up to stay focused on confidently being positive always.
Also read: Why It Is Said That Positive Attitude Is A State Of Mind?
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.