Accident Injury Recovery: 8 Ways To Support A Loved One
This post was last updated on March 25th, 2023
A serious accident can make life-altering changes to someone’s life. It may affect one’s ability to earn a living, support themselves, do the things they’re passionate about, and even just basic stuff like dressing up and eating.
In the United States, in 2019 alone, there were 12.15 million vehicles involved in car crashes, and out of that number, 2 million individuals were severely injured. Injuries from vehicular accidents are the top three leading causes of injury in the United States.
But aside from vehicular accidents, one can also suffer injuries from sports, falls, brain injury, and acts of violence.
Most minor injuries may be manageable with first aid, but significant injuries require immediate medical attention. At times, prolonged hospital stay and rehabilitation could take place for complete healing.
Recovery from injuries varies from person to person; sadly, some take a long time due to mental and psychological reasons. Patients often suffer from depression, feelings of isolation, irritation, anger, and lack of motivation. Because more than the physical aspect of recovery, looking at the mental part could significantly help the patient recover speedily.
If your loved one suffered from an injury because of an accident, here are ways how you can support their journey to recovery:
1. Help With Doctor’s Appointment
Attending necessary follow-up medical appointments is essential in tracking a patient’s recovery. Going to the physician may prove a challenge for somebody who just had an injury—offering to accompany the patient and taking them to see their doctor will be a huge deal. More than driving them to see their doctor, it’s your companionship during the actual session with the doctor could be vital. There may be instructions that could be overwhelming to the patient, and having an extra pair of ears may greatly help understand the medical intervention required for the succeeding recovery steps.
To help the patient be comfortable in their recovery, you may opt for the in-patient services of and other similar hospitals.
The facility provides the best in-patient care, making you feel like you’re recovering at the comfort of your home but with the best doctors and caregivers available when you need them.
2. Create A Treatment Plan
Before you start organizing a treatment plan for your loved one, getting their consent is essential. Ensure they understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and that they agree to let you take an active role in organizing their treatment plan. Your loved one will appreciate the effort you will take when you make a customized treatment plan for their recovery. It will make them feel that you’re concerned for their welfare and want to help them every step of the way.
Foremost, do some research on the condition or injury your loved one is dealing with, and look for evidence-based treatment options, as your loved one may need a medical professional for their treatment, depending on the extent and severity of their injury. For example, suppose your loved one sustained a traumatic brain injury in a car collision. In that case, you can help look for a car accident neurologist who will closely work with them to develop an effective treatment plan that suits their needs.
Additionally, you can write down essentials for their recovery.
A treatment plan can include the names of doctors, their contact numbers and clinic schedules, medication schedule and dosages, and changes in the diet and lifestyle. A comprehensive treatment plan in writing like this will encourage the patient to stick to the program and motivate them to achieve complete healing in a shorter time.
3. Listen To Them
Many patients recovering from severe injury may be isolated for a long time, and this could cause depression and form negative thoughts in the patient’s head. Being physically separated from others, even by just a mere wall, can cause anxiety to a vulnerable person.
Listening to them can significantly help their mental state.
But when you listen, make sure to listen without judgment and listen without opening your mouth. Listening is a gift you could give someone, and when you do take the time to listen to your recovering loved one, have an open mind. Please don’t attempt to invalidate their feelings; instead, try to put yourself in their shoes.
If what they say alarmed you, be alarmed in your head, and don’t blurt out the first reaction you want to say. Remember, the patient is trying to verbalize complex thoughts in their heads, and agreeing to share is a great effort.
The patient may confide in how difficult their life has been, how depressing their situation is, or how hopeless everything is already. Instead of suggesting solutions to their dilemma, offer what you can do to help. It will prove that you’re actively listening and you know their needs on a personal level.
4. Remain Compassionate
In the face of difficulty, a kind and friendly face can help one get through the tough times. Showing your genuine desire to help can considerably brighten someone’s difficult day.
To make your loved one feel your presence by doing things for them even if they don’t ask for it shows you’re empathetic of their situation. Because understanding their suffering is the first step to compassion. If you have recognized their need and supplied it without being asked, it shows your genuine care for their well-being.
There are four default actions when one wants to be compassionate, but often, these behaviors do the opposite. So, if you’re going to be compassionate to your loved one who’s recovering from an injury, please avoid the following:
Giving advice
Most people feel that giving the word to the wise will make everything better, but imposing your superior intellect when someone needs compassion can do the opposite.
Accidents happen all the time, and it’s unintentional, that’s why it’s called accident, so there’s no one to blame. So, if you feel like blaming the victim, get out of the door immediately. The same goes with judging; you don’t know what the patient feels deep inside, so you cannot judge and say things as you’ve been in their position.
Giving comfort is a two-pronged sword. It can put a patient at ease, but overdoing it with words can irritate them too. So, if you must do it, don’t exaggerate it.
5. Help With Adjustment To Diet And Lifestyle
Making wholesome changes to the diet and lifestyle can significantly benefit a recovering patient. But it can also be demanding for them. If they’re not entirely mobile, you can help by shopping for them and doing their groceries or at times preparing their meal.
Helping them create a weekly menu plan and stocking their fridge with nutritious food that would be easy to reheat will immensely help their recovery.
Assisting them with daily exercises could also help significantly. Patients who suffer from a TBI or traumatic brain injury can have half of their bodies immobile and, if not cared for correctly, can result in muscle spasticity. It is a condition where the muscles stiffen due to lack of movement. When neglected, the rigidness of the muscles can be uncomfortable and painful and can lead to frozen joints, inability to go back to normal function, and pressure sores.
Making sure that the patient doesn’t overdo it is crucial too. Checking to ensure that they’re pacing their recovery right will help them stick with their timeline and not regress.
6. Talking To Lawyers
If the injury warrants claim to damages, your loved one would need your support in traversing this complicated matter. Start helping by looking for a competent lawyer, organizing documents that will be required, and helping with transporting the patient to wherever they need to go.
By helping them choose a good lawyer, you can ensure they get fair compensation for the injuries they sustained in the accident. If your loved one feels overwhelmed or intimidated by the legal process, offer your support and help them prepare for consultations. Having someone they trust with them can help them feel more comfortable and confident.
The situation is already difficult, and litigation can cause a tremendous emotional toll on a patient. Assistance with this matter will be a huge help that your loved one will greatly appreciate.
7. Look For Support Groups
Being in the presence of like-minded people and people they share similar situations with can incredibly help a recovering patient. Especially if their extensive injury came from somewhere they didn’t expect to happen, like in the workplace. Try to navigate the landscape and look for the right support group to help your loved one understand and find new effective coping strategies from people they share similar experiences with.
Support groups gather people with similar feelings, worries, and challenges. More than likely, these people have a common purpose and objective, and being surrounded by them can make a patient feel less lonely, empowered, and hopeful.
Also, when your loved one attends the right support groups, they can better understand your medical condition, become more open about their feelings, reduce their stress and discomfort, and improve their skills. Consequently, they can get the emotional support they need to speed up their accident injury recovery.
8. Assist Their Family
If the one injured is your best friend and they’re the head of the family, The main thought going through their head is who will take care of their family while they’re recuperating. Giving assistance and looking after their children will be a massive burden off their shoulders and a big worry off their heads.
Parents hurt in an injury have a tremendous emotional and mental impact on the children. But to make them feel that they’re not alone in the battle and you would be there to assist can give calm and collectiveness on the situation and pacify both parent and children. The road to recovery can be less treacherous for the patient if they have one less thing to worry about.
As a parent, entrusting your children to capable and trusting hands even temporarily will be something worth treasuring forever, and only a true friend can do that.
Recovery from an injury from an accident may be very challenging, but the support of people who love you may be manageable. You may be burdened by finances, the future, and the minor things but having someone on your side who can listen and provide your needed support is the pill you need to recover fast.
Strong social support can do many great things for someone who is recovering. The positive impact on mental health can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. When you’re surrounded by people you trust, you’re most likely able to make even difficult decisions easy.
This goes for family, and even the professionals around you, like your doctors and caregivers who are always ready to lend a hand and an ear to make you better.
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