Lights do more than just make a space bright. Aesthetics and mood are also essential elements of lighting that you should consider— and if you want to elevate the look of your room instantly, accent lighting is the way! These lights also add drama and depth, adding interest to your home design.
Read on for some ideas to give your home the perfect ambiance.
1. Lighted Steps
Adding lights to the side of the stairs will create a beautiful effect and emphasize the shape and style of your stairs. Achieve a warm feel with soft light, or opt for a more dramatic impact with colored lights. You can also use motion-sensitive lighting so your steps remain well-lit when you walk past it, without being too bright when you don’t.
2. Accent Wall
Lighting up an accent wall is a great way to create drama and draw attention to certain features in your home. This is usually installed behind furniture pieces such as sofas or beds. They are also suited to highlight artworks or family pictures. You can choose from single points, long lines of light, or spotlights— whatever fits your home design and preference.
3. Toe-Kick Lights
Installing small lights into the toe-kick or the base of furniture and in other tight spaces will add depth to your home design and a soft glow for both practical and decorative purposes. You can use RGB LED strips for a more versatile lighting solution that can change color and ambiance depending on your mood. It’s a great way to subtly illuminate areas and make them appear more prominent.
4. Backlighting
Putting light sources under your vanity mirrors or painting, shelves, built-ins, cabinets, or any other feature gives off a stylish and aesthetic look. It makes surfaces stand out and can create a unique shadow play that adds texture to your space while still providing you with light for tasks.
5. Cove Lights
Adding cove lights is an easy way to make your space more exciting and give it a rich and sumptuous feel. This type of lighting works best in areas with high ceilings, like the living room or bedroom— but can be used just about anywhere! They can be installed around the perimeter of rooms or above desks, adding soft illumination and characterization to your home.
6. Outdoor Lighting
Don’t forget the outdoors! Installing accent lights outside will help create a warm and inviting atmosphere while beautifying your yard with its soft radiance. You can use it to draw attention to certain features in your garden or porch— like plants, trees, or outdoor furniture— or to create pathways and highlight areas of your garden. With extra help from the lighting experts at Blingle, you’ll enjoy your aesthetic outdoor space in no time!
Explore all the possibilities, spark your imagination, and make your home more dramatic with accent lights! Accent lighting puts character and emphasis on features in your home, adds visual interest, and creates an atmosphere. With these ideas, you are one step towards giving your home the perfect ambiance.