Why It’s Absolutely Fine for a Woman, Not to Have a Baby?
It’s not necessary for any woman to prove her feminism by being a mother and giving birth to a new life, a baby. Woman torso is no doubt designed and crafted to meet the needs of a mother and a baby by fusing with an opposite gender. But, our unrealistic and impractical society considers every woman who is unable to give birth to a baby or not interested to be a mother as a neurotic or a savage woman. Those women have to confront the society’s subjugation and intimidation not only this, she also faces some offending and defaming questions regarding her infertility and unchaste activities. Is it mandatory to have kids for a woman? Is it essential for a woman to prove her feminism by bearing the pain of child birth? Is it obligatory for a woman to have kids soon after her marriage? Why women can’t have their own decision or choice to have a baby or not to have a baby?
People become so selfish that they forget about one’s right to choice, right to decide and right to live and hence for their continuation of heritage ancestry they impel a woman to give birth to their descendant. This non viable society always stand against the stigma of a woman not having a kid, which ultimately means she is not worthy to be called as a woman. Here I am going to throw some light on the reasons why it’s totally acceptable for a woman not to have a baby.
Women are achieving success in every field
Today’s empowered women who is excelling in every field and platform of her expertise be it a doctor, or a engineer, or a business tycoon or an astronaut whatever she chooses she gives her best and wins over it. And women empowerment comes with right to choice and the right to live her life on her own terms.
If men can choose their career first, then why not women?
Women are also getting educated hence they have to right to opt for career as their first priority. They don’t have to sacrifice their education, career and work for the sake of marriage and having kids.
Every individual is free to make his/her own choice
According to Human Rights under Indian constitution every person has the right to live his/her life according to her own terms. No one shall be subjected to torture, or cruelty behaviour, inhuman activities and punishment. Article 21 clearly states that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 10 (1) (d) states right to freedom of movement, Article 19 (1) (a) states that right to freedom of opinion and expression and Article 41 states right to work, to free choice of an employment.
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DWCA Regulation
DWCA (Doctor’s for a Woman’s Choice on Abortion) states that no woman should be forced to be pregnant against her will. Women would be able to have children when to choose to be pregnant and ready to provide love and care to their children.
Women’s don’t need to think twice about it
If men don’t ask before committing rapes, extra marital affairs then why women should ask whether to have baby or not? In fact the right to ask even doesn’t exist for some women as they are directly impelled to have kids. If men are free to commit crimes, then women should at least be free to live their life on their own terms.
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Pregnancy is not only about physical permission but also about mental preparation
If a woman is not mentally to prepared, despite of her physical fitness for her pregnancy she should not be pressurized to be a mother as a baby’s health depends 60% on mothers mental condition.
Our society is still inhabited by old fogies who deprived of broad and open mentality hence need a perfect mind wash to cope up with this contemporary citizenry where everyone has the right to live their lives on their own terms and conditions. No one can be impelled regarding their life decisions. This stick in the mud people need to be more liberated to make this society a real peaceful and equal one for all.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.