You’re finally headed out on that date you’ve been planning for the past week or so. It’s time to meet that guy — or gal — who you’ve been chatting with for a while, and you’re most likely a jumble of emotions. It’s common to feel excited, nervous, and maybe a bit overwhelmed, but with this guide you’ll be confident and ready for that date in no time.
Set the scene at a place you know
It may not be the best idea to try out a new place on a first date. The excess stress of not knowing where you’re going can add to your first-date jitters. For example, a low-key bar that you know has ample seating is a good idea. Or, a cafe that gets a bit quiet after dinnertime is a great option for a first date, no matter if you met someone on sugar daddy sites or are being matched up by a mutual friend. The more comfortable you are with the place you’re meeting, the more comfortable you’ll be walking in to meet your match.
Self-care to soothe your mind
The most important thing you need to know going into a date is that your mindset will make or break your experience. While you can’t control the outcome of the date, you can make sure to have a winning mindset that will prepare you for whatever happens. The easiest way to do this is to apply a little self-care the night before. This means taking some time for yourself. Draw a bath, give yourself a facial, or put on some perfume, like Bulgarian rose essential oil. You will get from your date what you put onto it, so these great self-care treatments can work wonders.
Know your perfect match may not be perfect
A perfect match doesn’t always mean that your partner will be absolutely perfect in your eyes. While it’s all too easy to fall for a person who seems perfect — especially if you connected online! — there is no such thing as perfect. Try to spend your first date overlooking any preconceived notions about what you want and don’t want in a relationship and just have fun. Remember, you’re going on a date to meet someone first, not to start a serious relationship immediately. Keep your expectations in check, and you’ll feel more at ease.
Plan for some mystery
You don’t want to have a date last longer than 2 1/2 hours. This way, you and your date will be able to spend enough time together to notice whether you have a connection, while still leaving some mystery for what’s to come. Ideally, you’ll want to leave enough time so that you are excited to learn more on the second date. Now, this doesn’t mean you don’t have to automatically leave after 2 ½ hours if you’re having fun. Just make sure that you don’t exhaust all conversation topics.
Ask for stories rather than simple answers
It’s easy for your questions to come off as a sort of drill. You don’t want your date to feel as if he or she is being accosted, so try a new approach. Ask for stories about life experiences instead of question after question. Some examples can include asking about a favorite childhood memory, the coolest place they have traveled to, or most embarrassing situation they have gotten into at work. You’ll learn a lot more this way, and it will bring up some cool conversations.
With these first date tips in hand, you’ll be prepared for the best date you have had in awhile. So go have fun, and see what happens.