9 Ways to Maintain Optimum Health of Your Body, Mind & Soul
This post was last updated on May 28th, 2024

As we are pacing ahead in this modern era, we are giving less and less attention to our health and are more inclined towards satisfying our desire to make our life pleasurable. When our ancestors said ‘health is wealth‘, they meant maintaining health of our body, mind and soul as a whole, which is the gift of nature to us and which aids us in living an active life without stress. But in the quest of living a comfortable and luxurious life, we have started living a sedentary lifestyle and our physical activities have drastically diminished.
We eat food with the motive of filling our tummies rather than providing ourselves with required nutrition. We get attracted to tasty food instead of nutritious food. Our habits have become retrogressive in a manner that they give us short term pleasure and are damaging our long term health. While exercise is essential to improve our metabolism rate and immunity level along with maintaining activeness, most of us perceive that workout is important only for maintaining a great physique.
Healthy practices followed now will ensure a strong foundation for great health in future. Nourishment is vital not only for the body but also for our mind and soul.
Here are some of the best health practices that will help you in maintaining a health equilibrium between the body, mind and soul:
1. Do Deep Breathing For Instant Relaxation
Since multi-tasking has become an integral part of one’s work schedule, it is important to know that putting your brain to several tasks at one time can cause quick exhaustion. Your brain is actually capable of functioning at its best when it follows a schedule. Step by step work and instructions can make your brain perform with optimum efficacy. But when you are compelled to handle the hustle-bustle of your life, then what comes to your immediate rescue is deep breathing. Breathing deeply for four to five times can instantly help in stabilising your blood pressure and brings your heart beat back to normal. So the next moment you get stressed, just breath deeply and see how magically your brain and body feels the relaxation.
2. Get Yourself Hooked To Yoga
Yoga is a way to de-stress your body and mind while rejuvenating your senses. Being accustomed to living a sedentary lifestyle, we have greatly reduced our physical activities and have become more dependent on technology for performing routine tasks. Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, heart ailments, etc are result of an inactive but stressful lifestyle. Yoga is an activity where you devote yourself some peaceful time and the asanas help in regulating your breathing pattern, strengthens your muscles and relieves stress from your mind while making your body flexible.
3. Give Time To Strengthen Your Relationships
There is nothing more relaxing than spending quality time with family members. While juggling with personal and work life responsibilities, you are actually more in control of your personal life and thereby, to minimise personal life tensions, it is important that you spare a good chunk of time for your family. Help them in their work, play games with them, share work with your spouse and go on outings with them frequently. When you give your mind such relaxation quite often, then you will feel good and the feeling itself will keep stress at bay. Feeling good helps making your body, mind and soul feel light and refreshed.
4. Bring Oil Pulling In Your Routine
Maintaining oral health is as much important as taking care of other parts of your body. Many studies have revealed that most people tend to ignore their dental health as it is not considered to have a vital role in alleviating one’s health condition. Despite brushing twice, if you are seeking ways to improve your oral health, then start swishing and gargling your mouth with coconut oil every morning for 5 to 10 minutes. This healthy practice works wonders in eliminating the problem of bad breath, strengthens gums and is a great anti-microbial treatment for your mouth.
5. Connect To Your Soul Through Meditation
Since ancient times, meditation has been the only powerful technique that connects your body, mind and soul in a way that you forget the present world and dwell in a parallel world, which relaxes you completely. Many scientific studies have proved that meditation helps in improving brain’s cognitive functioning, regulating blood pressure levels, enhancing immunity levels, reducing depression and anxiety while perking up positivity and sense of contentment in the soul. With so much hodgepodge in life, you definitely must spare some time to delight your soul.
6. Enjoy Soothing Experience Of Aromatherapy
Since life is getting busier with time, it is necessary that you give yourself a revitalising treat frequently. Medical studies have proved that there are certain fragrances that help in soothing our stressed minds and helps in relaxing us to the core. These aromas have magical effect in keeping mood swings and signs of depression at bay and hence, you must try aromatherapy that will work in improving your energy levels and use of therapeutic oils releases the muscle tension.
7. Ensure Complete Mind, Body & Soul Rejuvenation Through Sleep
Adequate sleep is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Studies suggest that insufficiency of sleep can cause several disorders such as fatigue, lack of attentiveness, memory loss, sudden loss or gain of appetite, etc. It is important that we grab around 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to ensure complete de-stressing of our mind and body. In order to get prepared for a long day next morning, we must ensure that our tired body gets repaired and our brain gets its quota of relaxation.
8. Walk More To Live More
Unlike our ancestors, we have ditched walking, even for short distances and rather prefer commuting via vehicles. Even taking the stairs has become a mighty task for many. But walking has several benefits. Going for walks, either in the morning or evening or commuting short distances by walk, can help in boosting your hormonal activities and improves concentration level. This activity helps you in staying fit, losing weight, strengthening your bones and improves blood circulation too.
9. Intake Foods That Fight Infections & Alleviate Your Immunity
You are what you eat. If you are having some or many of the lifestyle diseases and an easy prey to sickness, then you need to amend your consumption patterns. You need to build your immunity level so that your body is able to prevent illness while having increased energy to recover quickly. Incorporate more of leafy vegetables, ginger, turmeric, broccoli, fresh fruits and nuts in your diet. Get more fibre and less oily food for enjoying better heart health.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.