Buying a lease return car can be an excellent alternative to buying brand new, especially if you’re trying to save money on your car purchase. However, because lease returns mean that the original owner has already done most of the paperwork and set aside funds to bring the car back, it can also be a bit stressful trying to ensure that all of your finances are in order before the due date arrives. So how do you make sure that you have everything together when it comes time to return your lease? Here are seven tips to help you prepare for a stress-free lease return.
Step 1: Clean your car
Simply washing your car will give you some peace of mind and is essential before any inspection. Having even one visible spec of dirt or grime can cost you a small fortune in penalties on top of buy lease returns in Austin/lease buyback. Plus, who wants to drive around in an unclean car? Not us! We don’t want our clients driving dirty cars, either.
Step 2: Update your documents
If you haven’t already, it’s time to update your driver’s license and car registration and register with an auto insurance agency. Don’t forget about that toll transponder, either. If you have more than one vehicle, you may be better off getting an EZPass for all of them rather than paying cash at every toll plaza on your route.
Step 3: Get your car detailed.
If you return your leased car, make sure you get it detailed. This is an extra step, but it will help prevent your next lessee from having dings and scratches on their car, which could decrease its value. This is especially important if you’re selling an expensive car. (For more information, check out our guide on selling a lease return.)
Step 4: Pack lightly and smartly
If you’re in doubt about whether or not you need it, leave it behind. The process of moving is stressful enough—don’t add anything else to your plate. Pack only what you’ll need and leave space in your car or wherever you plan on transporting your items. This way, when you arrive at your new place, unpacking will be a breeze!
Step 5: Look after your electronics
Before you pack your electronics up, it’s important to take care of them to ensure that they return in good condition. This includes cleaning and updating software.
Step 6: Check the mileage
How far did you go in 1 hour? If your result is less than 10 miles, do steps 2 and 3 again. If it’s more than 25 miles, move on to step 7. Otherwise, continue with step 5.
Step 7: Get everything in writing.
The best way to ensure that your new lease returns company will take care of everything they say they will do is by writing down exactly what they are going to do. And make sure you read it carefully, and have them sign it as well. This gives you two copies of an agreement: one for you and one for them.