7 Things Health Experts Really Believe About Coffee
This post was last updated on August 25th, 2024
You can’t go without your daily cup of Joe — it’s the first thing you look forward to in the morning! It keeps you energized and more productive, and you can’t go a day without sticking to your coffee routine.

As an avid coffee drinker, you know how good a delicious cup of coffee is for your work productivity. But did you know that coffee offers many health benefits as well? According to the experts, there’s an endless amount of benefits to drinking coffee!
Read up on seven things that health experts believe about coffee. They back up their claims through studies, so we know what they believe is true!
1. It Keeps You Young
Everyone wants the secret of staying young. There’s plenty of ways to improve your chances of living a long, healthy life. Eating the right foods and getting enough cardiovascular activity are two of them.
Another way to slow down aging is surprising. If you’re looking for the fountain of youth, coffee may be the answer!
Experts say that drinking two to three cups of coffee each day keeps you younger. A recent study says it reduces the risk of dying up to 13 percent for men and women at any age. That’s pretty incredible!
2. It’s an Excellent Source of Fiber
If you’re looking to add extra fiber to your diet, I have good news! As Taylor Lane points out, coffee has high levels of soluble fiber.
Fiber from coffee has impressive benefits. It aids in digestion and keeps your cholesterol at a healthy level. When your cholesterol is low (it should be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter), you’re less likely to get diabetes.
By preventing diabetes and other health conditions, you’re in much better shape!
3. It Improves Brain Function
Many people drink coffee to keep their energy levels up. Drinking a daily cup of coffee makes your day off to a good start by keeping you focused.
Coffee has more benefits than giving you energy, though. It improves your brain function! Studies show that it enhances your memory, mood, reaction, and general brain functions.
If you love coffee, you can feel good knowing you’re getting an added boost of brainpower too!
4. It’s a Good Source of Antioxidants
Yet another reason to drink coffee is its antioxidants. Specifically, coffee is rich in polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids. Coffee drinkers get around 1-2 grams of antioxidants per day. That’s quite a lot!
Antioxidants from coffee offer a lot of health benefits. When free radicals attack a body, antioxidants get them under control. In the process, antioxidants reduce your risk of contracting diseases and cancer.
Interestingly enough, the majority of dietary antioxidants come from what you drink. At the same time, only a small amount comes from food. That doesn’t mean you should drink coffee non-stop. But it’s nice knowing that antioxidants from coffee improve your health!
5. It Can Reduce the Amount of Cortisol in Your Body
Drink coffee while eating protein, and experts claim it’ll reduce the amount of cortisol in your body.
In excess, cortisol causes anxiety and high blood pressure. That’s why it’s important to keep cortisol levels at a healthy level.
To keep your fight or flight responses at bay, eat some protein while sipping on your coffee. A few protein options are nut butter, yogurt, nuts, or chia pudding.
6. It May Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a disease no one wants to experience. It affects people over the age of 65, and there is no known cure.
Eating healthy and exercise reduces your risk of getting Alzheimer’s. And surprisingly enough, drinking coffee is another way to prevent the disease.
Many studies show that people who drink coffee have a 65% lower risk of getting the disease.
If Alzheimer’s runs in your family, continue to drink your daily coffee! It may help prevent you from getting the disease when you’re older.
7. It May Reduce Depression
Depression is a medical condition that makes it challenging to live your life. Little things like brushing your teeth are difficult when struggling with depression.
If you experience depression, coffee may improve your mood. A study found that if you drink four or more coffee cups a day, you’re less likely to get depressed!
While drinking coffee is excellent for your health, like all things, it’s all about moderation. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, it can make you anxious. And when you’re worried, it’s hard to concentrate.
If you think it helps you concentrate better and feel great, that’s a good sign that it’s working its magic. But if you’re feeling jittery, you’re either drinking too much or aren’t drinking the right kind of coffee. And if that is the case, you should try Grinds coffee pouches for a different experience.
Figure out what type of coffee you like the best and stick with that! Experts boast of coffee’s many health benefits, and we should take advantage of them!
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